Chapter III: Interactions

Start from the beginning

Everyone was shocked as Billy grabbed a bottle and tried to hit Alex but he grabbed the bottle and broke it, causing his hand to bleed as Ambrose stood back, holding his bloody hand.

Margo and Stacy were shouting at Billy and Terry to attack him as Alex stomped on Billy's leg as he was screaming in pain before Ambrose smashed his head on the wall.

Terry tried to attack him but Alex grabbed his arm and broke it as he was screaming in pain and that scared Billy, Margo and Stacy as they stood back in fear.

Alex wasn't finished yet as he kicked Terry in the face, causing his nose to be broken and he fell down on the ground, holding his bloody nose.

Billy pulled out a switchblade and was about to attack him until someone shouted at them.

???: Hey! That's enough!

Jack was walking towards them as Billy put the switchblade away and the group helped Terry get on his feet as they all immediately ran away in fear while Alex was looking at them

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Jack was walking towards them as Billy put the switchblade away and the group helped Terry get on his feet as they all immediately ran away in fear while Alex was looking at them.

Alex was looking at his bloody hand as Jack noticed him and checked on his hand as he said something to him.

Jack: Your bleeding a lot. I'll take you to the hospital to help you get stitched up.

Alex: It's okay. I'll walk to the hospital and-

Jack: Don't worry, I'm a ambulance driver. I'll get you there quickly. Come on, let's go.

Alex nodded as both of them walked towards the ambulance that was parked and got inside as Jack began driving towards the hospital while Ambrose was looking at his bloody hand.

Meanwhile at the Haddonfield memorial hospital, Anne was sitting by the cafeteria as she was on video call with someone.

Meanwhile at the Haddonfield memorial hospital, Anne was sitting by the cafeteria as she was on video call with someone

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Anne: So what are you doing right now?

Sebastian: Just focusing on my music along with my business. Hopefully I can release my new album soon.

Anne: That's awesome. I'm sure everyone is gonna love it.

Sebastian: [Chuckles] So how's work going for you?

Anne: It's going alright for me. [Hears a sound] Sorry love, I gotta go now.

Sebastian: It's okay love. Take care of yourself.

Anne: You too, honey.

She disconnected the call and left the cafeteria as Winters began making her way towards the office.

Meanwhile Elizabeth was on her office as she was talking to someone on video call.

Meanwhile Elizabeth was on her office as she was talking to someone on video call

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Elizabeth: So how's that new report going?

Benjamin: It's going alright. I'm gonna go somewhere to do more investigation on another case I'm working on.

Elizabeth: Oooh can I know what's that new case your working on?

Benjamin: [Chuckles] It's a secret but don't worry, you'll know soon.

Elizabeth smiled at him until she heard something as she said something to Benjamin.

Elizabeth: Sorry Ben. I gotta go now. Something came up.

Benjamin: It's okay honey. Take care yourself.

Elizabeth: You too, honey.

She disconnected the call as Elizabeth got up and left the office as she was walking down the hallways.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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