The Start

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Two years seven months three weeks and five days... that's how long it's been dark. This darkness came like a plague, it doesn't affect people in the way that you'd think. Most people became one with the darkness and were blinded, some people went mad from it, and others learn to live with it. 

Have you ever closed your eyes in the evening time and it was pitch black? That is what the world had been like for two years now; no sun, moon, stars, lights don't work, nothing. At first we thought it was nothing but a simple eclipse, but then we notice lights would come on but nothing would get brighter. Light just seemed to stop existing. After a week no one knew what to do. Normal everyday life ceased to exist in that moment. 

It was a normal Saturday morning, me and my family were headed home on the road. Our long trip back from the park had started at 7:30 in the morning and abruptly ended at 9:30 AM after the sky went black. My dad slammed on the breaks of the car and the car behind us slammed into our bumper. My head hit the seat in front of me and I was knocked out. When I woke up I couldn't find my family. "Mom?", I say softly hoping she was still in the front passenger seat. I was met with silence, a cold eerie sickening silence, "Mom!", I say a little louder hoping I am mistaken. I reach up to the front seat only to find it empty and damp; what had happened to my mother. I began to breathe heavily as I started to panic. "Mom!?! James!?! Dad!?!" I yelled into the cold darkness only to be met with silence again. It was too quiet I heard nothing, almost like the darkness had not only stolen the light but also the warmth and sound; until I heard a faint voice. I didn't recognize the voice but I didn't care. I carefully crawled out of the car after grabbing my backpack, I slide myself against the car up to the hood and carefully lowered myself to the ground. I knew it was safer to crawl since I couldn't see that was until I felt a warm liquid on my hands. I gasp sharply and pull my hands from the ground and remain on my knees, I prayed that liquid wasn't what I thought it was. I slowly lower my shaking hands back to the ground, the air around me seemed to drop in temperature when I slowly moved forward and my hand touched another hand. I stiffen when I feel the cold fingers and abruptly pull my hand away and begin to breathe heavily, "Please, please, please, please...", I kept muttering over and over for a few moments before I slowly touch the hand again and slowly slide my hand up to this persons wrist. No pulse. My stomach dropped and I slowly slide my hand up the persons arm to their shoulder, I was about to move my hand to their neck just to double check the pulse when I hear something move behind me. I jerk my head around hoping and praying I could see in the darkness in that moment, "H-h-hello?", my voice shook more than I had intended it to. I was met with once again that unsettling silence then another shift in movement and the body was swiftly dragged away from my touch all of a sudden and another gasp escaped my lips, "Whose there?!", I yelp in fear as I fall back onto my butt and scoot back. My back hits something warm and I freeze immediately. 

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