Bloomers' Winner Interview (Su)

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Moving forward in the Winner talks, now we've Su, SuVida777 - the winner of Category Cover in the Bloomers' Awards 2023-24. Let's head over to hear what they have to say about their work and experiences!

I: Interviewer
Su: Interviewee


I: Congratulations on this win, Su! Tell us something about yourself and your writing journey.

I'm a nerdy couch potato from the central hills of Sri Lanka! I worked in animation/advertising for some years, but during the pandemic, I pursued my own creative journey as an indie artist, author and animator. I write YA sci-fi, fantasy and horror.

My stories come with immersive worlds and heroines who tend to be nerdy, whimsical and rebellious. I love delving into the mind-boggling possibilities of science and technology, as well as exploring social/eco themes that could do with a spotlight. So underneath the fun and fluff, there's always something for the nerds and thinkers.

I: How did you get to know about Wattpad? What inspired you to hit that publish button for the first time?

I've been escaping to story worlds from a young age-books, video games, anime and movies! It eventually led me to a career in art and animation. Somewhere along the way, my own stories and characters birthed in my mind-though I never wrote them.

In 2020, I decided that I should sit down and write Komoreby. I searched online about where I can post my work, and Wattpad came on top. I liked the interface, and the community seemed big, so in January 2021, I uploaded 10 chapters at once on Wattpad!

I: Tell us something about the story that got you this winner's badge. What inspired the storyline?

Black Avatare is a re-imagining of the Black Prince from Sri Lankan folklore. So the storyline is inspired by South Asian legends and mythology. There are also many anime elements! The story is set in a gothpunk city inspired by Kandy, my hometown in the central highlands of Sri Lanka.

I: How do you deal with writer's block?

I'm a careful plotter, so I outline the plot, jot down character notes, do research and even keep lots of other random notes before I even start writing. So I don't actually experience writers' block.

I: What is the source of inspiration for you to keep writing?

My stories are very much shaped by the themes I want to tackle, and I draw inspiration from cool science, anime, video games, spec fic books and my own experience centered on southern Asia. Rock/epic music takes it to the next level.

I: Are you a full-time writer? If no, how do you manage everything? If yes, how's the life of your dreams?

I'm not a full-time writer. It's not easy at all to find time to write on top of a job, volunteering and general adulting. I write on my phone whenever I can and edit on my computer.

I: Something for your readers and supporters.

Thank you so much for reading my funky stories! I appreciate every read, vote and comment! I might be quite new to novel-writing, but I put my heart and soul into my work. So to see readers enjoying my stuff is the best thing ever.

I: What would you advise new and aspiring writers?

Read a gazillion stories, especially that from the genres you write. Connect with other writers, since Wattpad is all about social storytelling and getting lots of consumer feedback to improve your work! There's no easy way to success, so strap in for an uphill climb. But don't consider it "work". Go all out with the character design, worldbuilding and have lots of fun crafting your tale! Don't follow trends in the pursuit of success if your heart's not in it. Convey your unique voice, because that's the way to attract genuine readers.

I: Lastly, how was your experience with our community? Any suggestions/feedback?

Your community is super cool! Thanks so much for putting in time and effort to run such a well-organized contest! And thank you for uplifting indie writers!

Thank you so much!

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