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2 people has been invited

Veronica:*blinks* What the hell, where am i?

Jd:That's the same question i was going to say.

Bob:Anyway, you guys are here to react! And you will wait until i invite the others. And i almost forgot, i am Bob, the one who invited you two.

Veronica:When will the others arrive? And who are the others?

Bob:Well, they're some of people you know. And enough chit chating, say hello to the Heathers!

3 people has been invited

Heather C.:What the f-

Bob:And don't question, let me explain. You all are gonna react to litteraly anything the viewers want or my choice. And you will wait for the others to arrive!

Heather C.:B*tch you didn't let me say anything. And yes, i was gonna question you.

Heather M.:And who are you?

Bob:Oh yeah, i forgot. Sorry i'm Bob. The short of TheCoolestBob.

Heather M.:Oh, Okay then!

Bob:And feel free to welcome the football players and Martha!

3 people has been invited


Bob:Anyways, i'mma just invited the others cause i'm lazy, please greet Veronica's parents, Ms. Fleaming, and Betty finn!

Bob:Hello everyone! Today you all will be watching anything the viewers want or my choice, i am Bob. I will be your host, and you all will first watch a musical about yourselves!

Everyone but me:WHAT???

Bob:So yeah, a musical about you all was created in the year 2013-2014!

Veronica:What?? 25 years later a musical about us is created?

Bob:So yeah, in 1988-1989 a movie about your highschool life is created!

Veronica:Is someone watching us?!

Bob:No, you guys ARE the creations.Anyway, see you tomorrow people! Bye bye!

Heathers react to anything(Discontinued?)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum