Chapter two

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Foot steps are heard hurriedly coming up the stairs. Thumping and thudding as they came close to Peters bedroom.

Celia is heard yelling 'Don't run up the stairs!' From downstairs.

Peters door opens wide and Jaime peeks his head through the door.

"Time for dinner, Peter. Just nod at everything she says, okay? I'm sure it will go quick and easy considering it is your first day here." Jaime assures and Peter nods.

"Great. See your a pro at it already. Keep doing what you're doing!" Jaime said as he started walking down the stairs.

Peter followed Jaime down the stairs and to the dining table where Celia, Lainy, and Haisley are seated at. Jaime sits down at his seat and takes the rolled napkin off the utensils that were nicely set next to the plates.

"Take a seat Peter." Miss Celia said smiling as she picks up her fork to start eating.

Peter does as he's told and sits down. He looks down at the plate. It was bland spaghetti. It didn't even have meatballs on it.

Who serves spaghetti without meatballs?

He picks up his fork and starts to slowly eat it. It tasted just as dull as it looked. But at least he was served with food on his plate. So he decided that he didn't really mind. As long as he ate he was okay with that.

"Do you children like the food?" Miss Celia asked with a smile as she shoves some noodles in her mouth with her fork.

"Yes, Miss Celia." Haisley said eating her food.

"Thank you for putting time into this meal." Lainy said. It was really obvious they were lying. The spaghetti had absolutely no taste.

"I really like it." Jaime lied.

Peter just nodded. He was uncomfortable, the lights were too bright, he didn't like the sound of the forks scraping the plates as they ate. But he thought it was best to just stay silent.

"Well, good. I'm such a good cook. Just as good as my reputation."

Jaime rolled his eyes when Miss Celia wasn't looking.

"At work, my co-workers love me. I'm such a trustworthy and kind person. Even my boss made me employee of the month." Miss Celia rambled.

"Peter, you think I'm a good person right?" She asked him. The kids all turned to look at him. Hoping Peter would make the right decision.

Peter nodded. What else was he supposed to do? Shake his head and say no? He probably would've if she wasn't so scary.

"Finally a good headed child. I've been blessed today with you, Peter. Good child." Miss Celia praised Peter.

"See, children. You should all be like Peter. In fact you are all just so hard headed all the time disobeying me-"

Peter tunes her out. She's so annoying.

He wished he could hear May ask him about his day instead of Celia. He missed May so much already and it hadn't even been a whole day without her. He fought the urges of breaking down right there on the table.

This change is big. He wished he could eat May's food instead of this bland spaghetti. He wished he could eat this spaghetti with her and make fun of how full and boring the noodles tasted.

He wished May was alive right now.

"-So Peter, what school do you go to?"

Peter got caught off guard from the sudden question.

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