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Jisung's pov-

"DAD! MOM!" I slammed the door, taking long and loud steps into my house.

"What happened, baby? Are you ok?" My mom asked while approaching for a hug which was rejected by me. I hate that. I hate the sympathy in her eyes.

"Why are you shouting sungie?" Dad asked while rushing from upstairs.

"Do you give the company to Peniel? " I shouted holding my fist tightly.

"Not yet baby. I just said that to him verbally we still got paper works" he said with a smile which increased my anger.

"Dad! Have you gone insane? your fucking son is alive, right? Then why the hell in the world are you giving the company to a stranger like him?" I yelled out. I don't care about the respect or anything. Now my only care is my family and our company.

"He is your husband jisung," Mom said

"He was just using me, Mom! He just wants our money! Please believe me Mom" I cried

"Jisung we know what you are going through. I am sure the words that came out of your mouth are the side effects of the drugs. Don't worry jisung we and Peniel will take care of you" Dad said trying to pat my shoulder but I backed off.

"I am not drug addicted Mom" I cried out.

"Don't worry jisung we are not mad at you, Peniel will take care of you baby" she said

"So you are not going believe your fucking son and believe some stranger" i said. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I feel so pressured. My hands started to shake. And my legs, they felt numb. My breath stuck in my throat. I am getting that again. After a long time. I thought I was cured but I am getting that shit again.

"Calm down jisung, you are getting a panic attack!" My mom cried out trying to hug me.

"I-I thought I got amazing parents but y-you guys are dumb and failed as parents" I shuttered. They failed to protect me. They are not there for me when I need them.

"Jisung stop" Dad shouted from behind but who cares? I ran out of the home with a messy look. I won't stop running I don't want to. Tears never stopped. Soon the sky started to cry with me. I hope I get a lightning attack on me.

I ran until I bumped into someone.
"Are you ok?" The guy asked. He was also wet. I looked at him, his eyes were cold and emotionless but his face was beautiful like the moon.
"Sorry," I said and rushed.


Soon the rain stopped, and I sat on the park bench. It's almost 7 pm. I left the home at 11 am. I don't know where to go now.

"Jisung?" Someone called me. I looked at him. He was wearing a suit. He is kinda taller than me but he is short. He had a closed umbrella in his hand.

"Who are you?"

"I am Bang Chan. Mr. Song sent me to find you, sir. From now I am going to take care of you." He said with a smile. Wow, he got a pretty dimples.

"Care?" I chuckled. Maybe he also thinks I am drug-addicted. "I Don't want to come, Mr. Bang," I said.

"You can trust me, sir. Please come with me" he persuades.

"Ok I am coming but please call me Jisung," i said "can i call you Hyung? You look older"

"What? I Just fOive!" He said. "Sorry for my awkward behavior you can call me Hyung, jisung," he said and we left for the home.

If you become a parent in the future, please 1st listen to your child and not to the relatives or his/her friends (just saying)

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If you become a parent in the future, please 1st listen to your child and not to the relatives or his/her friends (just saying)
Ignore the typos
Hope you guys like this part don't forget to comment and vote 💖💚

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