Chapter 2

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It’s been how many months now? I think about 8, yeah it’s been 8. It’s been about 8 months since Zero died, and I’ve missed him every second. I’ve been with Juliet the whole time as well, but I was never happy. Well I was but never as much as I was with him. So much has changed since he died. We finished up touring for the most part and we started work on our third album.

Right now we are on our final tour before we permanently go to the studio, right now we are heading to the second to last show in Phoenix Arizona. Juliet came on tour with us because we had extra room and she would’ve missed me and called me constantly if I didn’t. I don’t know why I don’t break up with her really. But hopefully it’ll all work out.

Right now we are driving to Phoenix after a show. I’m lying on my bunk bed while everyone else is in the living room. I sighed, being my now depressed self. I decided to get up and get something to drink. I opened the curtain to my bunk and hopped out of bed, because I had a top bunk. I slowly made my way to the other end if the bus. When I entered the living room Ashley looked at me away from the road (seeing as how he is driving) and said “Well look who decided to join the living today”

Everyone else chuckled at that. Jake and CC were playing Black ops, Jinxx was working on some strings and Juliet was reading a book. “Hahaha very funny Ash” I said sarcastically.

I made my way to the fridge and grabbed some water. When I was about to take a sip of my water when my phone blasted the drums for our song “Knives and Pens”. I grabbed my phone and said “Hello?”

“Hey Andy, how are you doing today? Are you doing okay?” asked Sandra.

“So far so good dude, I just can’t believe that he’d be 21 today” I said.

Today is Zero’s birthday, as I just said he would be 21 years old today. “Okay I just called to check up on ya. I’ll call ya sometime soon Andy” said Sandra.

“Okay, see ya” I said and hung up my phone.

I sat down next to Juliet and leaned my head on the back of the couch. I looked around to everyone; they are obviously being silent about Zero’s birthday so they won’t hurt me. “You guys know I don’t care if you mention him right?” I said.

They looked at me a bit concerned and Jake said “We just don’t want to hurt you Andy, we all know how close you were to him and since today is his birthday we just don’t want to hurt you.”

“Ahh thanks” I said.

I looked out the window and saw the dark desert lit up by the full moon, the empty highway, and the bright stars. I stayed like this for about an hour when I noticed something. One was starting to get brighter than all the others though. It was redder and it was getting slowly bigger. “Hey guys look at this” I said.

They all came over here and looked outside. “Look at what?” asked Juliet.

 I pointed to the star as it was still getting bigger “That” I said.

“What is it?” asked Jake.

“I don’t know” I said, still looking at it “But buts getting bigger and redder”

By now it’s was the size of a quarter. I saw stuff flying out the back and it had the look like it was on fire. It was gaining speed fast and it looked like it was coming towards us. “What the hell is that?” asked Jinxx.

I was about to answer when it came crashing down over the bus. We all ran to the other side of the bus and saw it crash into the desert’s ground. “Ashley stop the bus!” I screamed.

And with a blunt stop, the bus stopped moving. Ashley came into the living room and ased “Whats going on?”

“Something crashed over there” I said pointing to the direction of where it crashed and said “Come on let’s check it out”

He nodded and we all got up and exited the bus. When I was outside I broke out into a run towards the crash. I came to the top of the crater and panted for a bit while the others came to my side doing the same thing. When I was done I looked down to the bottom to see what crashed, shocked by what I saw. “What is that?” I asked with a shocked look on my face.

Everyone looked at me with the same look and shrugged. I looked back at the crater and slowly started to walk down. In the crater was a man on his stomach, maybe about 19-20 years old. From what I could see he was wearing black skinny jeans, a torn up shirt, and no shoes. He had shaggy black hair, a tattooed sleeve on his right arm, some script on his ribs, and he had big, black wings with white specs on his back. Like ACTUAL wings.

Nothing could have prepared me for what happens when I got closer…  

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