Chapter Three

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|Fighting Stags|


Araelia had a hard time falling asleep after overhearing Little Fingers plans. She stayed up all night contemplating whether or not to tell someone. Should she? It made her mind swim. She can't make decisions for others but what if this time it was the best option.

"Ugh!" Araelia groaned frustrated.


Araelia jumped "what the- Margaery!"

"Sorry" Her sister laughed "I just came to get you, Renly is holding counsel"

"Why did he trouble you? He usually asks one of his rainbow guards" Araelia straightened herself out.

"Oh, I volunteered, I needed the air anyway" Margery walked around the tent tracing her fingers along Araelia's things "what's this?" She picked up a small chest.

"Stop!" Araelia reached for the chest but Margaery pulled back and opened it.

Araelia turned around and covered her face embarrassed.

She heard the papers crinkling in her sisters hands as she read them "How long have you had these?"

Araelia turned around and snatched the letters from Margaery and stuffed them back into the small chest "They are just stupid letters from some kid I haven't seen in ten years, they mean nothing to me"

"if they 'mean nothing' to you why do you still have them?"

"I must have forgotten about them" Araelia lied.

Margaery scoffed "clearly there is some sentimental value to them, you don't have to lie to me sister"

Araelia closed the chest and threw it on her bed, she didn't know why she was so embarrassed.

"It's not something to be embarrassed about, I too miss my childhood friends but... your circumstance is different, and I know that" Margaery put her head on her sulking sisters shoulder "Now come, you wouldn't want to keep our king waiting"

Araelia smiled and fit her arm in the crook of her sisters elbow "I suppose I don't want to hear Loras whining about me being late and how I 'don't take these things seriously'"

Margaery laughed "and that is exactly why I am not on my husbands counsel"

The two sisters laughed as they made their way to the kings tent.


"Finally" Renly clapped his hands together as Araelia walked in "where have you been?"

"Sorry, I was just caught up in a few things" Araelia seated herself at the small table that was set out for Renlys small counsel.

"Well those things aren't as important as these meetings sister, we are at war" Loras was bratty as Araelia had expected.

"You don't know half the things I know Loras, there's  a reason why I am an advisor on this counsel and you are just a solider"

"Woah!" Renly held his hands up "calm down everyone, no need to go at each others throats. Yes, I have you both on my counsel for different reason, I have you all put in positions that best suit my needs as king"

Loras sat back with an irritated hump while Araelia looked to Renly "So what exactly is the meaning of this counsel meeting?"

"Well-" Renly was cut off by a messenger sprinting into the tent out of breath.

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