1.03: 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮

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Y/N WAS OUT late at night, feeling hungry since his mom wouldn't be home until midnight. He entered a burger place and saw none other than Johnny Lawrence himself, enjoying a burger.

The burger tent was basically empty, so Y/N walked up to Johnny and sat down at his table.

"Hey, Lawrence," Y/N greeted while waving at a waitress.

Johnny nodded in acknowledgment. "L/N, what brings you here?" He asked curiosity piqued.

"Um, my mom has to work late," he explained. "And I was hungry so," he gestured around, "here I am."

"What about you?" Y/N asked, nodding at him.

"Some stuff," Johnny replied, not wanting to discuss the situation he was in.

"Sure you don't wanna talk about it?" Y/N pressed, concerned about the older man even though he just met him yesterday.

Johnny sighed, wiping some ketchup off his face with a tissue, he looked at a table on his left where a father and child were having a nice dinner.

"I screwed up: Miguel can't go to karate anymore, I'm a deadbeat dad, and I live in a shitty apartment in Reseda," Johnny explained, his eyes becoming a bit glossy, but he held it in.

"I screwed up: Miguel can't go to karate anymore, I'm a deadbeat dad, and I live in a shitty apartment in Reseda," Johnny explained, his eyes becoming a bit glossy, but he held it in

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Y/N's eyes widened for a moment. "You're a father?" he asked, surprised. "If I may ask, what's the story behind your 'deadbeat dad' situation?"

Y/N didn't expect an answer, knowing he was asking a really personal question, but Johnny didn't mind answering he had to get it of his chest.

"You see that hospital across the street, that's where my son Robby was born—I failed my kid on his very first day in this world and I've been failing him everyday since. I was in a shitty place at the time I just lost my mother. And I found out I was gonna be a father." He dropped his head in shame, a tear threatened to stream down his face but he blinked it away and looked back up at Y/N who held up his necklace and let it dangle in front of him. "What's that?" He asked Y/N.

"It's a necklace, my dads harbinger of luck. He's on a trip to god knows where he almost died on a few of them but he always told me to keep faith or hope, he was also in a shitty place when he got me, wasn't the perfect father but He lived by one small motto from one of our ancestors. Francis Drake 'Greatness from small beginnings' He lived by it until this day. And I'm telling you this because you can have something great with your son but you're gonna have to start by doing the small stuff." Y/N gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

The waitress finally came and asked for
Y/N's order while Johnny was thinking about the teenager his words.

Johnny took his leather jacket and got up, but not before patting Y/N on his back with a thankful nod and giving him the right amount of money for his own food to cover the cost.

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