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We were sitting on the bench and the only sound that was surrounding us was chirping noises and the wind that blew everywhere .

« Tell me how was your life back home , let's start from there » he asked me and i was caught off guard not excepting this question .

« Well » i looked at him with a smile remembering my childhood « it was very fun for me , i grew up with my father and brother only . we only had each other and i was close to both of them equally , maybe my brother less because we didn't get along most of the times » i reminisced about all the moments we disagreed on something .

« My childhood was special because of my father but let's not get into it or else i will cry again » i brushed it off with a distressed smile . « You dont have to if it will make you sad » he comforted me

« And you ? tell me more i'm curious because here customs are pretty much different as i can see » he sighed , it was a long and deep one . before he could speak his eyes betrayed him , i knew that behind his eyes lie a lot of sadness and maybe trauma .

« Well you know by now that i am the oldest prince , let's say i grew up before realising it . i don't think i had a fair childhood like my other siblings due to my father's relationship with my mother. it was quite disturbing » he continued « i left to my province very young because i couldn't stand the favouritism and to see my mother cry herself to sleep every night »

This was much different than mine and i knew it before he could speak that he would say something so deep like this . He indeed hid a lot of things behind those eyes

« But it shaped me as a person if i am being honest , i learned how to be tough from a young age and if i was to be born again i'd still choose this life and choose my mother » it was amazing how he loved his mother so much and i knew for sure she loved him even more . he risked his childhood and everything for her

« I am an only child but i think you already know by now that i have other siblings , i also do love them a lot even if we grew up apart and our mothers aren't the same » i listened to him carefully talk about his life and there was something about the way he spoke that enchanted me .

« We were all kids at some point , but we were forced to fly with our own wings earlier than everyone else » i said looking at the sky and he nodded after me « You're right , that's why i think we're similar , we both went through so much »

« It's good to talk again » he looked at me with such soft eyes i thought i was melting right there « It is mutual , who would've thought the two annoying kids that used to play together would reunite someday » i laughed along with him .

We stayed silent for some time but suddenly a guard came walking towards us , he bowed down to Mustafa and waited for permission .

« What is it? » mustafa asked sternly « There is a letter for the princess » my heart skipped a beat , he got the letter out of his pocket and handed it to me .

« It's from Prince Alonso » the guard added and i wanted to dig my own grave , i didn't want anyone knowing about him . the guard got dismissed and i was there sitting with the letter in my hands .

« Is it your fiancé ? » mustafa asked and i quickly denied it «  No he's not , he just sent me a letter » i sounded unsure of what i was saying and i knew he was suspicious .

« You can read it if you want » he pointed at the letter and i hesitated first but i wanted to know so bad what was inside so i did open it .

I started to read the letter and i was growing more anxious after each sentence

               To my dear princess Stella

I am glad i could get some new from you and it saddens me really much to know what you are going through but i cannot be sure if your safety , i am coming to get you back and you will stay by my side . Those barbarians will definitely do something to you , and i am not even sure you're writing this by your own will .
Don't worry i will not leave you there , in the meantime wait for me .

I closed the letter and tried my best to control my face expressions , i was so annoyed . what part of im safe doesn't he understand . i put it aside and tried to put it on the cover again but  mustafa asked me

« You don't look good , did he say something to you ? » i was hesitating but for sure i was not going to tell him , i didn't want no trouble . I was going to sort this out alone .

« No it's nothing don't worry » i forced a smile on my face and put the letter away . He didn't look so convinced and i felt like he wanted to ask again but he stopped himself

But if Alonso ever comes here i am going to be put in the worst position  ever , he would just barge in here and take me ? i felt like i needed to tell mustafa but i didn't want to at the same time .

While i was thinking about this i bird sat right in the middle of the bench making my attention shift towards it .

« What is it doing here » Mustafa softened at the sight of the bird and touched it lightly so he doesn't scare it away .

« He's so pretty, I absolutely love birds » i confessed , i genuinely adored them . i tried to touch him but before i could do so it flied right over my head and left .

Me and Mustafa chatted for some more time and honestly he was a very comforting person , i really liked his presence and wish i could talk with him every day but he reminded me that he was going back to manisa . We didn't talk about me going too again since that day

As we were talking , i saw yahya his guard coming towards us . he excused himself and whispered something in mustafa's ear which made him stand up very fast

« Are you sure ? » He asked with a smile on his face and i was wondering what news did he receive . Yahya then backed off and left space for mustafa

« Ayse hatun is giving birth » his concubine was giving birth as he announced . « Princess i will see you later » he excused himself and went back to the palace as quickly as he could .

I was left alone with Yahya and he didn't speak a word to me until i decided to say something .

« How long have you been with his highness ? » he looked at me and started to count slowly « I would say ten years , we practically grew up together » he answered confidently and i nodded .

I got up from the bench and decided to head back too but before i could do so yahya caught me off guard .

« Princess , i think his highness is fond of you. i don't know how to word it but i think he likes you so please don't make him sad » i looked at him confused and felt my heart skip a beat , i was debating on whether i should answer or not .

« It's been a long time since i saw him look at someone this way , i hope you cherish that and know how much he respects you and appreciates you » he finally continued but this time he left , i stood right where he left me trying to process what he said .

I didn't know what to react but it was something positive , i felt the heat rush to my cheeks and i prayed none would see me like this blushing like a teenager

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