'Draco you idiot!'

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'Ugh, I can't believe Dumbledore's got that oaf teaching classes now. Do we have to go to class?' Draco began for the sixth time that morning as we were walking out of the castle.
'Draco I'm not skipping class- besides, Hagrid isn't that bad. I mean he's not the most amazing teacher but he's a kind person.' I say sighing.
'God you sound like you actually like the idiot'
Draco spat at me.
'Dracooo, stop being such a git for a bit' I say sarcastically- as if I could hate him.

As usual, Draco started to flare up a fight with Harry, which ended with Draco smirking and strutting away. He whipped out an apple and bit into it in a confident, showy way. I stared at him as he bit in a little longer than usual. His jawline was amazing and his hair..however I tell myself off in my mind and watch as Harry gets on the Hippogriff. I gasp and stare in horror as the creature immediately bolts and takes to the sky like lightening.

A few minutes later Harry gets off and seems to get ok, which was good I suppose. Suddenly, Draco walks towards the beast with long, cocky strides.
'Look at me you great big ugly brute!' He yells.
'Draco no! You're gonna make it angry!' I yell, trying to pull him back, but it's too late. The Hippogriff throws its legs down and strikes him dead in the arm.

'Draco!' I call out while running towards him.
I kneel down and stroke his head. 'Are you ok, is your arm broken?'
'It's killed meh, it's killed meh!' Draco whines.
'Draco you idiot!' I say, slightly exasperated.

Hagrid picks Draco up and we make our way to Madam Pomfery. 'You and your bloody chicken' Draco moans.

A few hours later I'm sitting with Draco by his side in the hospital. His arm is going to heal in a day or two and Madam Pomfery managed to heal the majority of his bones. Draco moans in 'pain' but I've know him for so long that I know it's just for attention. However, I still find myself slipping my hand into his and squeezing it. He flinches slightly as he's not use to physical toutch but he soon eases up.

Blaise and unfortunately Pansy walk in unexpectedly and my hand slides quickly out of his. I blush and look down so they don't see my face. 'Ohhh are you ok Dracy Wakey?' Pansy asks in an annoying little girl voice.
'Fuck off Pansy' I say annoyed at her. She looks at me in disgust. 'How dare you don't be so rude to me!!'
I sigh and simply say 'I'm not being rude I just have the balls to say what everyone else is thinking, Pansy.'

Draco sniggers and she shoots him a look. I think that Draco catches on to what I'm thinking and begins to say 'Well I actually kinda of agree with y/n. I kind of just wanna rest right now.' I pack up my things and begin to get up when he suddenly adds, 'Oh y/n I wanna ask you something about that Divination homework I barely understand and you're decent at it.'

I raise my eyebrows, intrigued because I know he wasn't going to talk about that. 'Yeah sure but make it quick I have to go to the library soon.' The others leave the wing and I sit back down on the visitors chair. 'So what do you want to say to me?' I ask.

'Well I just wanted to say thank you y/n. Thank you for helping when I was attacked. No one else came to see if I was ok, no one. And I was stupid too I should've listened to you when you pulled me away.' Draco explains, looking me in the eyes. I could see by his expression and tone of voice that he really did mean it. I felt myself fill with joy that I made my friend happy and said 'You're my friend Draco, I have to be there for you! I'm glad that you're ok though- and you're not stupid. You just don't think before you do stuff and you're sometimes a prick.' I say to him, saying the last sentence humorously.

The next day he is ready to go back to the dorms so I make my way up to the hospital wing to greet him. After waiting for a few minutes, Draco comes out with a bag of stuff and seems slightly surprised that I was there.
'Y/n! I didn't know that you were gonna be here.'
'Yeah well, I have something for you and I wanted to show you it in the common room- kind of a welcome back after being attacked by a giant chicken present.' I say with a smirk.

We walk into the common room and there was no one there because it's pretty late at this point.
We sit down in a large squishy sofa in front of the crackling green fire, and I reach into my bag to retrieve the present. It's a neat, black box around the length of a hand and I give it to him. He opens it and stares. 'Rings? Thank you! But why are there two?' He asks gratefully. While I blush.

'Well, there is a sun and moon engraved, see? Well, I thought that I was the sun and you were the moon and we each have one.' I begin to explain. ' And the best part is, is that when you tap your own then the other glows. It's so say like, I miss you or whatever.'
I pick up the sun ring and tap it with my wand, making the outline of the moon on the other ring glow a soft white light. I look up at him smiling, hoping that he'll like it.

However, he says nothing so I keep on explaining. 'You see, when I was in Hogsmede
I saw them, and well, it reminded me of that night when we were up in the Astronomy tower during the sunset. I remembered how happy I was and how much I loved it all, and-.'
Draco hugs me tightly. He pulls me away and says, with his face close to mine, 'Thank you y/n. No ones ever given me a gift so sentimental for...well I can barely remember.
You have no idea how much this means to me.'

He's smiling wide, which I've rarely seen, and his happiness seems to radiate off of him because I find myself smiling too. I smell his minty breath and look up at him (he's slightly taller than me). We sit there for a while staring at the fire and I feel his arm wrap around me. Feeling oddly comfortable I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh.

Ok so I hope that you like this chapter I know it's been slightly longer since I've posted but I've got time of schoolwork and revision to be getting on with so yeah. Also shoutout to the people who have read this so far I'm so thankful thank you!

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