loo loo land

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Opening up we see Max in a room with loona it being one of her days of the week that Max stays with her

Max: Loona why do I need to wear this collar

Loona: because it's funny and I'm starting to find it hot

Max: what?

Loona: your hearing things

Max: o...k? So what exactly do you want to do

Loona: well we cou-


Moxxie: Loo Loo land?

Millie: sounds of glass shattering LOO LOO LAND!!

Max: Loo Loo land?

Loona: pissed SHUT THE FUCK UP

Later in the van

Max: so why are we going to loo loo land again?

Blitzo: because we are being paid to body guard some rich asshole and his daughter

Max: I understand that but who

Blitzo: you'll see when we get there

Millie: it's his boyfriend

Blitzo: millie I am not afraid to smack a woman infront of her son looks at Max face I am however scared to hit a woman infront of her son that has holy hammers willing to smash my knees in

???: Pussy (remember this guy still isn't introduced and is in Max head)

Blitzo: the fuck I swear I think someone is talking shit about me and I do not appreciate it!

???: can he fucking hear me?

The gang pull infront of the goetia Manor after a total of 20 minutes

Blitzo: Allright were here now I just gotta text the bird bitch he texts stolas that he's outside with his van

Stolas: oh hohhoho Octavia our bodyguards are here

Octavia: whatever dad let's just get on with it

Octavia and stolas walk out to the van stolas opens the door

Stolas: hello blitzy and littler ones oh and who's this looks at Max a new employee?

Blitzo: you could say that but he's millies and moxxies adopted son

Stolas: oh splendid what's your name?

Max: The names Max Dare

Stolas: that name sounds familiar do I know you?

Max: maybe I was in hell when I was 5 before returning to earth

Stolas: after Max's explanation he realizes who he is Max it is you wow you've grown tal- he is shoved out of the way by Octavia

Octavia: MAX is tht really you! Looks at stolas sorry dad looks back to Max I thought you died we all did when you varnished during the ritual to turn you Into a demon! Quickly moves in and hugs Max

Max: BIG SIS OCTAVIA I missed you so much and as you see I didn't die I was just transported back to earth

Octavia: how did you gat back here then?

Max: Well when I turned 15 I realized I really didn't want to.be apart of my family anymore so I started killing people I knew what mom and dad did so if I killed enough people they would get mad and Hire them to kill me and that's what happened we reunited with the first half of my family and now I'm reunited with my second half of the family

Octavia: oh..wow...thats...sweet in its own weird way

Blitzo: everyone get in and sit the fuck down we are getting this shit on the road

On the way to Loo Loo Land Octavia and Max would talk about what's been happening with them developing thier bond as siblings even further much to the delight of stolas and millie as well to some extent

Blitzo: were here everyone get the fuck out and let's get this day over with

Max: gets out and stretches is this loo loo land? Really I've seen industrial parks better than this

Octavia: yup get ready for a shitty day

Hey guys I'm ending the chapter here I'm sorry it's so short I really didn't feel motivated to write today but I felt bad for not updating for a few days so here you go the first half of loo loo land

650 word

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