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The sound of truck turning on woke Jongho up. He looked outside his window, seeing that his father turned on the pickup truck. He sat up with a yawn, and stood up from his bed. He slid into a clean grey shirt and sort-of baggy jeans. Today was a race that would declare the fastest kid in school, and Jongho was confident it would be him. He put his shoes on as his older brother, Yunho woke up.

"Where are you going, Jongho? It's quite early to be up." He said, as he sat up on the double bed that he shared with San.

"Quiet down, the walls are thin, remember?" Jongho reminds Yunho, their mom would be mad as angry bear if someone woke him at this hour.

"Just the fields." Jongho said, stepping slowly to not make a creaking sound with the floor boards, to again not wake up their mom. Yunho threw the rest of the blanket on San, as he was still asleep.

"You're gonna run this early in the morning? How do you do it?" Yunho asked, with a tilt in his head.

"Maybe. Also I don't know how I do it." The younger male replies, with a smile on his face as he left the room.

Of course he was gonna run. He gotten up early every single day of the summer to run. He believed that if he worked on running, he could be the fastest kid in the fifth grade, and maybe the whole school when it was time for school to start. He had to be the fastest, not one of the fastest, but the fastest. The best.

Jongho slowly stepped on the old floor boards, the house was so old that if you moved a inch it would creak. But the male figured out that if you step very slowly that it would just give a small and low creak. He would usually would make out it outside without waking up his mom or his siblings.

He walked towards the yard, as he reached it, his walk turned into a small jog before he hopped over the fence. Little puffs of cold air came out of mouth as he took deep breathes, the kind of puffs of cold air that would fascinate a small child. Though it was still summer, it would start to get quite chilly this time of year since fall was right around the corner.

It was still early, the sun was barely coming up. But that's what Jongho liked about it. Usually it was always colder in the morning then at dawn or noon. Either way, he wouldn't time to run at noon because his mom would have him up and working on the animals.

He leaped over the fence, and onto the field. Jongho walked to their cow, Miss Bessie. He patted her head gently as she ate the field grass. He always started his run on the northwest corner of the field, kneeled down like those professional runners you see on tv.

"Bang" Jongho said, mimicking the gun they shoot at a start of a race. He began running, Miss bessie slowly following him, chewing as she followed him. The cow was smarter then she seemed, so she stayed out of Jongho's way as he ran. He never learned how to run properly, but for a 10 year old, he certainly had long legs.

His elementary was certainly not poor or rich, but they were short on lots of sport equipment and school supplies. So most of the supplies and equipment went to the older kids during recess, it was unfair to the younger kids. If a fifth grader had a ball at the start of the recess period, it would somehow end up in the hands of sixth or seventh grader before the hour was over. The older boys took up the concrete area to play basketball or other ball games, while the girls claimed the small area for hopscotch, jump rope, or just to talking.

So the lower-grade boys took it upon themselves to make the race. They would all line up on the far side of the school field, it was always muddy in that area no matter if it rained or not. One classmate, who was no good at running, but quite loud voice, would yell "Bang!" to mimic the guns at the start of races and they would race to a line. 

One year, Jongho won the race. Not just one race, but all the races they do. But only once. But him winning the race put a taste in his mouth for winning. Since the first grade, hes always been called names such as "crazy little kid that likes to draw." But one day in fourth grade, a drizzly monday, he passed all of them in a race. 

That same day, and until after lunch on the next, he was named the "fastest kid in the third, fourth, and fifth grade." Luckily all the fifth graders that won last year were going to be sixth graders and will play with the older boys. Anybody had the chance to be the fastest runner, and this year it would be Jongho. 

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