college roommate | s.c.

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y/n's pov

"Here we are!" My mom exclaimed as my parents and I walked into my freshman college dorm room with all my bags in our hands.

I looked around the room, seeing one of the beds was already made and the walls were decorated meaning that my roommate was already here and set up. It didn't seem like she was in the room so she was probably out exploring the campus.

I didn't know anything about my roommate, not even what she looked like. The only thing I know is that her name is Sabrina.

I set down my things by the empty bed and looked at my parents. I didn't have any siblings so they were very emotional about their first and only child going off to college.

As my mom got closer to me and set down one of my bags, I noticed her starting to tear up. "Mom, please don't cry."

"I can't help it!" Mom chuckled.

"Our little girl is going off to college." Dad smiled.

When Mom finally stopped crying, the three of us started to unpack everything. Mom put away my clothes, Dad made the bed and set everything up on my desk, and I decorated the wall.

After decorating, I said a long goodbye to my parents and then they left. I let out a big sigh as I flopped down on my bed. I turned my head to look at my roommates side of the room, wondering where she could be.

I stood up from my bed, leaning my elbows on my roommates bed as I looked at some of the polaroid photos taped on the wall. The same blonde seemed to be in all the photos so I assumed that was her. She was very pretty.

"What are you doing?"

I turned my head to see Sabrina walking into the room. "Hi! You must be Sabrina. I'm y/n."

"I know." She replied, walking past me and sitting on her bed. "I found your Instagram."

She looked me up on Instagram?

"Oh." I said. "Well, I was just about to go look around campus if you wanna-"

"No." Sabrina cut me off as she laid down on her bed and took out her phone.

Rude much?

I didn't respond and just picked up my college ID, leaving the dorm room. I left the dorm building and started to walk around.

As I was walking down the path, I noticed a guy walking up to me. He was wearing workout shorts, no shirt, a backwards hat, and he had one airpod in his left ear.

"Yo." He said.

Looks like a frat boy, talks like a frat boy.

"I'm Josh." He introduced. (not Joshua Bassett)

Definitely a frat boy.

"I'm y/n." I replied.

"Cool. My friends and I are having a beginning of the year party at my place." Josh took out a flyer from his back pocket and handed it to me. "You should definitely swing by if you're not busy."

I inspected the flyer, seeing that the address was not far from here. "I'll see if I can make it."

"Cool. See you then." Josh waved at me before he continued his way down the path.

When I finished exploring the rest of the campus I made my way back to my dorm. Sabrina was still laying on her bed and doing something on her phone.

"Did you hear about the party later tonight?" I asked her as I sat on my bed.

"The one the frat boys are throwing?" She asked.

"I guess." I responded.

"Yeah, I'm going." Sabrina answered. "You?"

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