Fuck our parents, me and my homies hate our parents

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ake: I hate my parents

Nick: First of all, mood

Nick: Second of all, it's 3 am in the bloody morning. Why are you up?

Lake: Writing and have trouble sleeping

Nick: Understandable

Fiore: You guys are up too?

Lake: Yes

Nick: Yup.

Fiore: Good, glad I'm not the only one.

Fiore: I hate my mom too

Lake: My parents suck

Nick: ^^

Fiore: ^^

Fiore: How did you get my number?

Nick: What she said..

Fiore: Oh

Lake: Yup

Lake: Anyways I hate my parents. They had made so many decisions for me and forced me to do unhealthy choices. I didn't ate much just to study, it caused me to go bald out of stress and they gave a blonde wig instead of the red one that I wanted.

Lake: The worst is that they try to get me marry a guy that I barely know ... and I'm a LESBIAN

Nick: I hear yeah.... my parents are similar..

Nick: They always stalked and controlled all the things that I do from playing piano on the daily basis to even the people I'm even allowed to talk to...

Nick: It really caused me my social skills and I hate pretending that I'm fine.. or especially act better than everyone else..

Nick: To be honest, the family's maid is the closest to a caring parental figure that I ever had

Nick: and the fact that I have very little to no friends that actually likes me for me..... I'm even afraid that those people will leave me so I often made puppet versions of them so I won't be alone.... and I even thought that giving them money or expensive gifts would make them stay..

Fiore: ......

Tom: .........

Rosa: .........

Lake: .............

Nick: Is it sad that I JUST realized that..?

Fiore: Yeah

Nick: Oh

Fiore: My mom often emotionally abused me and neglects me alot. She often smokes and brings men into the house

Fiore: She blamed me for my dad leaving and calls me a monster.

Fiore: I ever felt bad for betraying Alec.. the only one who actually cares.... He's more of a parent than my mom will ever be...

Lake: We have serious issues

Nick: Fr

Fiore: Agreed

Lake: Now I got an idea for the chat name.

Lake names the chat "Fuck our parents, me and my homies hate our parents"


Fiore: Accurate >:3 

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