Before long, Betty and Jughead entered the room, taking their usual places in front of the teacher's desk.

"Serpents, Poisons, we have a proposition for you," Jughead announced.

"The Pretty Poisons don't take orders from you," Peaches said.

"You might want to reconsider that, considering I don't see either of your leaders here," I said, catching her attention. "Besides, if it weren't for Jones kicking Toni and Cheryl out of the Serpents, your little gang wouldn't even exist."

Betty stepped forward, a pleading look on her face. "Please, Peaches. We're talking about a prom night truce. So that we can all work together to catch the Gargoyle King. How does that sound?"

Every eye turned on Peaches. "The Poisons can get behind that," she announced finally.

"During prom, groups of you will be stationed at every entrance," Jughead began, launching into the plan. "Once the announcement for Prom Queen begins, you guys are gonna bar anyone from exiting the gym. Whoever's cosplaying as the Gargoyle King is going to be there, and this is going to be our one shot at nabbing him."

I raised an eyebrow at the pair, waiting to hear the rest of the plan. It couldn't be as simple as locking everyone in and forcing everyone in masks to reveal themselves. As if thinking along the same lines, Peaches spoke up.

"Will he be in costume?" she asked.

Jughead shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. At the minimum, he's gonna have some sort of kingly signifier like a crown or antlers or the like, and he's going to make his move after Betty is crowned Prom Queen."

Around me a few people shifted their stances, though why was a mystery. It could have been unease at working with one another, the prospect of unmasking the Gargoyle King, or the fact that Betty was receiving the title.

“Abigail, do you think we can get some extra help from your, uh…” Jughead began, fumbling for the right word.  We’d somehow managed to keep it secret that I had a small hold over part of the Gargoyle gang.  Somehow they were still holding on despite their loss of Kurtz, Gladys Jones, and the Fizzle Rocks industry.

I’ll have them ready,” I replied, earning a few curious looks.

"Let's end this nightmare," Betty said, stepping forward. "Once and for all." She held out a hand, and slowly everyone stood to join her, in support of the plan.

Everyone filed out of the room, leaving Sweet Pea and I behind. He sat on the edge of the desk, pulling me to stand between his legs. "Looks like I get to take you to Prom after all," he said with a small smile.

"What about those mysterious plans you had for us?" I asked, hoping he'd finally tell me what they were.

"We can work around Prom," he replied, pressing his lips against mine. We broke apart minutes later, before things went too far.

"I'm going to find Toni," I said. "Maybe she can help me find a dress that doesn't look like it came from a cheap costume shop."

"You'll look beautiful in anything, Abigail," Sweet Pea said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. "You were doing so good at not using those cheesy lines."

"Hey, how can it be cheesy if it's true?" he whined, grabbing my hand as we walked out of the room.

"Don't you have a class to get to or something?" I laughed.

"I'll see you tonight," he gave in, kissing me quickly.

Walking down the hall in the opposite direction, I couldn't help smiling to myself. I'd never had any interest in school functions like these so-called milestone dances, but Sweet Pea seemed happy about it so I'd go without complaint.

Second Chances [Sweet Pea x OC]Where stories live. Discover now