Chapter 34

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I knew I should hurry but I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I sat on the edge of the bed, closing my eyes against the sight of mine and Sweet Pea's things spread around the room.


I wiped the tears off my cheeks roughly, looking up at Sweet Pea standing in the doorway. "I thought you'd left already."

"I got up late," he answered, coming into the room. "I couldn't sleep last night, I was worried about you. You never called or anything, then FP wouldn't tell me where you were. What happened?"

I moved away as he sat next to me, forcing myself to ignore the hurt look on his face as I did so. "You're asking me what happened?" I snapped. "I should be asking you that. But no, I already know what happened. What I don't know is why."

Sweet Pea sighed, looking at his hands in his lap. "Cheryl pulled me aside after rehearsal yesterday morning. Said saw you kissing someone else at the cast party. I just got so angry at the thought of you doing that and I wasn't thinking straight when Toni pulled me and Peaches into the theater." His voice broke as he looked up at me. "You have to believe me, Abigail, I'd never do anything to hurt you. I screwed up and I'm so, so sorry."

"No, that's not you," I said. "You get angry and punch holes in the walls or beat the shit out of whoever pissed you off. You're not the one who quits thinking and does something stupid when they're angry, I do, like running away and getting myself stranded on the side of the fucking road." I could feel tears running down my face again. "I don't know which is worse, the fact that you believed Cheryl, that you even thought I could do something like that, or that you were about to cheat on me."

"I know, I know I made a mistake," Sweet Pea said. "I wasn't going to go any further, I swear. Abigail, please. You have to believe me."

I moved away as he stood, reaching for me. "I think you should go right now," I choked out. I couldn't look at him, part of me wanting to believe him, fall in his arms and forgive him for everything while part of me was still angry about what I'd seen. "Sweet Pea, just go."

He hesitated before making his way slowly out of the room without another word. I stayed where I was, frozen in place as I listened to his footsteps descending the stairs, followed by the roar of his motorcycle going down the street. It was only then that I did what I'd come here for.

Digging a duffle bag out from the back of the closet, I shoved some clothes and other necessary items in. Zipping the bag closed, I looked around the room again before making one last rash decision before going back next door.

Jughead was waiting for me in the kitchen when I got back. "You don't have to do this," he said, watching me carefully. "You can stay here, process everything."

I shook my head. "No, I can't just sit around doing nothing. I've done enough of that already. Let's go."

The Serpents were already waiting in the bunker when we arrived, minus Fangs and Sweet Pea who were on musical detail. I stayed in the back of the group, knowing my eyes were still red from crying earlier, while Jughead assigned everyone their sections of town. So far, no one had managed to track down the old Jones trailer, but Jughead was determined.

A few hours later, Tonsils and I waited for Jughead at the edge of Junkyard Steve's lot. "They stole the trailer, left it at the junkyard, set up shop inside, and yet they still had the decency to leave the flag hanging on the outside," I muttered.

"Just when I thought there was nothing good at all about the Gargoyles," Tonsils replied. "We should take it down, give it FP or something."

"If my dad wanted it, he'd have taken it when we moved out," Jughead said, appearing behind us. "You really did find it after all."

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