Peter Never Came Home Again

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In the stillness of the night, by the window's soft glow
I waited, hoped for you, Peter, to show
Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, my hope grew thin
Yet still, I longed for your return, deep within

Each night, I prayed for your footsteps to find me again
But they never echoed, leaving me in longing, in vain
Alone in the shadows, I whispered your name
But you never answered, never came

As time slipped by, you drifted farther away
While I stood watching by my window, day after day
Your life flourishes, without a trace of me
Did you forget your word, to come find me?

From afar, I watch you rise
Your dreams taking shape, reaching the skies
But sadly, the girl who once held your heart
Was left behind, her world shattered apart

Know my window has stayed open, lamp burning bright
But waiting won't mend what's been lost in the night
So forgive me, Peter, for closing the window and turning off the light
For you never came home, forever lost from my sight

All I craved was to journey with you, Peter
Risking all, facing the unknown, together
But your fears gripped tight, clear as can be
So with a heavy heart, I set you free

I wish for your happiness, your love to find
Even if it means letting mine go behind
It pains me deeply, to let you fly
But in letting go, I hope you'll touch more the sky

So, go, my Peter, shine bright and free
And know, forever, you'll be a part of me
Go forth, let your spirit take flight
Illuminate the darkness with your radiant light

Farewell, my Peter, fly far, fly high
Though you're gone, your absence will never die
May your adventure lead you on
Even if you journey far, far beyond

Continue to shine brightly, even if the lamp's now off
Be my guiding star and continue to glow
Even if it means watching from above, never to land
Your happiness and growth, my silent sacrifice, I hope I can withstand

Though my window has closed, my love will endure
As you chase your dreams, of that I'm sure
So long, my dear Peter, my heart's bittersweet blend
Because the girl who waited, now whispers, "The End"

The girl who loves you from afar,

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