~Chapter One~

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Reina's POV;
Reina felt the fresh breeze of Soanian air brush past her face for the first time in six years, She had just arrived from the Valencia Institute for Vampire Royals School in a blue satin dress and brown sandals, with her black hair cascading down her shoulders in waves and her beautiful olive skin and curvy but lean figure, she was a sight to behold... what, just because she was a vampire didn't mean she couldn't blend in, that was after all her first lesson in the institute;
That lesson was the first of many, like how to compel, how to fight, how to use vamp speed and how to feed. Vampires did actually drink blood, all the movies about vampires got that fact from the original story of Vlad the impaler, the first vampire ever known by humans, whom they killed, leading the vampire race to a decision to live as normal humans and to protect the secret to avoid getting, you know unalived. Vampires could only be killed with a wooden stake and weakened by vervain but at least this generation of humans didn't know that:)
I'm Reina Molternore, daughter of King Simon Molternore III and Queen Georgia Molternore, the rulers of Soania, the kingdom of Vampirs. Well, I'm just their daughter by blood and name, there isn't any real relationship, just smile for the picture and shit.
Ever since I was little, all my parents cared about was the kingdom, I wouldn't be shocked if they didn't know they had a child, I was taken care of by nannies my entire life and I was used to my parent's absence, comfortable with it if I may add.
After two long hours on the mustang my "parents" sent
- more like my Dad's best friend and oldest advisor Minister Benedict Oscar had sent because he knew my parents didn't give two shits- I finally arrived at the castle

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