'I was just trying to help!'

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I was walking through to great hall after breakfast on Sunday, making my way to the library to study when I hear Harry Potter talking at his table.
'God I hate Draco he's such a little git. Sometimes I just wanna strangle him.'
Feeling outraged that he just said that about my friend I stop and turn to him. I'm gonna try and be nice.

'Um, Harry? Could you maybe not say that about my friend please? I mean I'm right here have some dignity. Or at least say it to his face.'
I try and say all this in a 'polite' manner but there was still a hint of anger in my voice.
That stupid boy, however, that could have just left it and said sorry, just HAD to start a fight.
'I can say whatever I like- ESPECIALLY in front of you. I know that you're pretty nice but I hate Malfoy and he bullies the shit out of me. Now get out of my face you stupid girl.' He spat in my face. Shocked at how he just spoke to me, I couldn't let it drop. I mean I should have just walked away and dealt with it but I'm not that sort of person.

'Say that again, POTTER.' Putting large emphasis on the last word. 'Go on say it again- I dare you.'
At this point Harry is standing up and staring me dead in the eyes. 'Fuck off you stupid girl.' He says slowly, his temper gradually rising.
'Ohhh it's on. No one, and I mean NO ONE speaks to me like that!' I say, now on the brink of yelling. Harry whips out his wand and points it to my face. However, I'm faster than him and I put mine to his throat. 'Cmon, say the spell. Kill me even. Well even if you try, I'll kill you first.' I say in a dangerous, growl like voice.

We are both about to say spells when suddenly somebody grabs a hold of my arm. Was it a teacher? A random pupil trying to step in and be the hero?
I turn round, my wand still at Harry's neck. 'Draco!' I say, not expecting him to turn up.
'Y/b what the hell is going on? Look let's go talk about it in the hallway..and YOU Potter- you're next.' He yells enraged.

His hand has a painfully strong grip on my arm that I actually think is gonna bruise later. He violently pushes me up against a wall and says in a low, almost snarl 'What was that out there? I know that you started it Potter wouldn't have taken it that far.' I'm kinda scared because I've never seen Draco this angry at me before, so my voice is shaky as I speak.
'He was talking shit about you Draco, I heard as I walked past and all I did was just politely ask for him to not say that in front of me as you were my friend, but of course he just had to turn it into a fight. And I have a low tolerance for morons and...' my voice trails away because Draco's lip is curling and his breathing is unsteady. He has pure anger in his eyes and it's honestly terrifying.

The air was stone silent for a few seconds while we stared at each other, him pinning me up and my arms sprawled against the wall. Then, suddenly, he was just like a jack in the box- everything that was compressed just poured out. 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT Y/N??? ARE YOU CRAZY OR JUST PURLEY STUPID?

I'm nearly on the verge of tears and he's scared me so much that I'm shaking. He's panting angrily like an enraged bull and all he can see is red. My voice is small and feeble as I finally speak out. 'I was just trying to help! I'm sorry Draco.' But then I suddenly get angry too. 'WELL IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR FRIEND TO STAND UP FOR YOU AND BE THERE FOR YOU, THEN WHATS THE POINT IN BEING FRIENDS??' I instantly regret the words that just came out of my mouth but it's too late. Draco looks me in the eyes and says 'Then we won't be friends anymore.'

He walks fast down the hall with his head down and his hands deep in his pockets. I wait untill he's gone and I start to sob. I slide down the wall until my body hits the floor and hold my head in my hands. I stay there for a few minutes but I then hear approaching footsteps.
'Y/n? Y/n!!! Where are you!'
It's Astoria. She's probably heard about what happened and is looking for me.
I feel too drained to shout so I just wait until she's found me. She runs into the hallway I'm in and doesn't stop til she's reached my side.
'Y/n what happened? Draco is angry as fuck and he's gone up to his dorm I-.' She stops when she sees my face, which is probably smudged with mascara at this point and so wet that it looks like in fresh out of the shower.

She looks at me with pity but I shouldn't be pitied. 'It's my fault Astoria, it's all my fault I'm a selfish and stupid person.' I explain what happened and how Draco yelled at me. I explained how Harry pushed me and I cracked.
I explained how it's all my fault and that I should have just left it but I lost control.

'Y/n look, you may have done some things wrong but Harry did keep pushing it and it was completely wrong of Draco to tell like that.' Astoria said while hugging me.
'It's still my fault any of those things happened though Astoria.' She looks at me not knowing what to do and I attempt to say 'W-we're not friends anymore Astoria. We're not friends. H-he ended it.' My voice breaks at the end and I start to cry silently into my knees.

Astoria heaves me up and carries my bag for me as we make our way up to the common room. 'Wait.' I say exhausted. 'What if he's there? I've also now embarrassed myself in front of the whole school so everyone will see me.' Astoria looks at me 'It'll be fine Draco is in his dorm and everyone will be either sleeping in or at Hogsmeade.' I know that she's right so I force myself to walk through the painting hole. I roll onto my bed and look out the window. Astoria stays with me and strokes my head until I want to be left alone.

Ok also I know that Harry probably wouldn't do that but he's not exactly my favourite character so I don't really care and I needed to spice it up so.. also thank you so much to M4dd1sOnO9 for voting for my story!

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