4 moons(months) after Mangos exile.

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Mango steapted on his high rock, addressing his pack."you see....I was done a great wrong. exiled. for no reason, I was acuused of plotting with foxes!.." Mango barked. "did you?" A dog barked. "well, I did not of course, the leader and has beta lied, because I overslept." Mango growled. "they cast me out. " Mango growled .

"so today. we will fight. take the leaders pack. kill my sister and have glory."Mango s tail waved. 

"eep! that's wrong!" a dog called .Mango glared at them, we march at sunhigh, train the pups aswell. we will all fight. we get glory!"


Mango saw a group of wolves whispering to each other.

"do we have to?'

"well die!"

"we have too!"

"its dangerous!"

"fine, lets do it"

Mango walked on, tired, he slept in his nest, thinking about the battle.

The wild pack:Into the forest,book 1Where stories live. Discover now