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A/N~This was requested by StellaBlue933, I hope you and everyone else likes it.

TW~Seizure, injury and blood.


As we sat in Nick's room recording our Q and A for our YouTube channel, I could feel my head spinning. I tried my best to focus on answering the questions, but the dizziness was starting to get overwhelming. I don't know what was causing this to happen today. I'm not stressed, I got 9 hours of sleep, I took my medicat-. My medication...I didn't take it.

"Hey guys, I don't feel good," I mumbled, trying to push through the discomfort.

Chris looked over at me with a concerned expression. "You okay, sis? Do you need a break?"

"I'm fine, just a little lightheaded," I lied, trying to shake off the feeling.

But before I could even finish my sentence, the world around me started to blur and I felt myself falling off my chair. The last thing I heard was Chris shouting my name before everything went black.

Matt's POV

"I'm fine, just a little lightheaded," she replied, before her eyes rolled back and she fell off of the chair and onto the floor, starting to seize violently.

"Nick, grab her medication!" I exclaimed as he nodded and headed our of the room. I crouched down on the floor next to my little sister and held her hands so she couldn't hurt herself, and I saw that Chris cut the camera for some privacy.

Nick came back into the room and crouched beside us, as Y/N continued to seize. Her hands were tightly grabbing mine as her nails dug and scratched my hands, causing blood to make it's way to the surface of them.

"Matt, your hands." Nick said, as I nodded, already knowing about the injuries. "I know, it's fine, just focus on Y/N first." I replied as Chrs stroked her hair. "It's okay Y/N, we're right here." Chris whispered. Soon enough, she went limp and stopped seizing. Shortly after, she opened her eyes and looked around the room.


When I came to, I could hear frantic voices around me. My eyes fluttered open to see Chris, Nick and Matt crouched on the floor beside me, Matt was holding onto my hands to keep them still.

"Chris, what's happening? Why am I on the floor?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"You had a seizure, sis. It's okay, we've got you," Chris reassured me, his voice calm but with a hint of worry.

I could feel the fear rising inside me as I tried to remember the last time this had happened. It had been a while since my last seizure, but the familiar sensation of my body convulsing was all too familiar.

Matt's grip on my hands was firm but gentle, and I could see the concern in his eyes as he looked down at me. "It's okay, Y/N. Just hold on, Nick has your medication."

I tried to focus on their voices, on the familiar faces of my brothers surrounding me. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled to regain control of my body. Then I looked down, and saw Matt's hands. Red, bloody and irritated. "Matt I'm so sorry, did I do that to you?" I asked frantically, as I sat up quickly, examining his hands, as Chris put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N, breath, your couldn't help it, and it looks worse than it is. I'm okay, relax." Matt replied. I could feel my muscles relaxing as I took deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

Nick gave me my medication and water, handing them to me as he crouched down beside us. "Here, sis. Take these, I have a feeling you forgot to take them this morning." He spoke, and I nodded feeling guilty and a bit stupid.

I took the medication gratefully, feeling the effects starting to kick in as the dizziness slowly faded away. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling drained but grateful to have my brothers by my side.

"Thanks, guys. I don't know what I would do without you," I said, my voice hoarse but filled with gratitude.

Chris smiled at me, his eyes filled with love and concern. "We've got you, sis. We'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"That's cringe, anyway, let's continue the video!" Nick exclaimed as we all laughed, and Matt helped me back to my chair, then going to bandage his hands, and then finally when we were all ready, Chris turned the camera back on, where we started yelling, laughing and ranting.

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