🌙 chapter 1 🌙

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....I was sleeping peacefully until.. "wake up Emma or you are going to be late for school yelled my mom busting into my room,  "don't forget today is a special day at school " my mom said said smirking at me before walking away' oh yeah today is the day hero's are coming to our school. said going back into the kitchen Emma gets out of her bed and goes to her closet picks out an outfit and then sets it on the bed and showers after  she eats breakfast she goes to school

 said going back into the kitchen Emma gets out of her bed and goes to her closet picks out an outfit and then sets it on the bed and showers after  she eats breakfast she goes to school

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I hopped in the car with jaquawn "you hungry he asked looking at me' yeah I said he pulled up to McDonald's And order me a hash brown

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I hopped in the car with jaquawn "you hungry he asked looking at me' yeah I said he pulled up to McDonald's And order me a hash brown..after we were down eating we heading to school. Here i said handing him a picture of us when we were younger  thanks he said hugging me as we drive to school "okay class today you already know the special day the assembly starts in 30 seconds so let's get there early our teacher said me and my friend sat by each other.

Dc/Marvel various x black fem reader SoulmatesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant