
I wake up to the sound of a monitor. The constant beeping gives me a headache. I want to reach up and hold my head, but when I do a pain shoots up through the nerves in my arm. I groan and bring arm back down.

"Brynn!" I hear the voice of my father and it sends a dull ache wave through my head. I grind my teeth and close my eyes even more.

When the pain subsides, I open my eyes to see a doctor and my dad standing next to my bed. How did I get here? Scrunching my eyebrows together I look around. I'm in a hospital bed and room.

"Brynn, you were in a house fire yesterday. You've been sleeping for the past eighteen hours. When we did the usual check up, we saw that your eyes were severely dilated. We ran a few more tests and found that you were intoxicated. Evidence from the police show that you either second handedly smoked marijuana, our first handedly. With how bad you were intoxicated it was first hand. Seeing that you probably have minor amnesia, I just wanted to let you know. I'm going to let you and your father discuss the topic." After long head aching description of what happened he left.

I didn't look up at my dad, I was scared to. I do remember a little bit of what happened. I can't really concentrate on it due to my father's simmering glare.

"Brynn." His voice was rough and tired. I just looked down at my hands. I don't even want to hear his voice I'm so scared. "You can't start this stuff. You can't become like me. You have to go to college. You need to have a family-"

"I don't want a family! Do you see what happens to families?! They get broken up! They drag me to the ground, and they don't take the effort to build itself back up again! I don't want that pain Dad!" Tears streamed down my face. He doesn't understand what I go through. Most of the time when he's home, he's intoxicated. I can't live like a mother anymore.

"Brynn your mother died! You can't change death! You can't go back in time-"

"No! You don't get it! Mom tore us apart! Her death broke us! You became a pathetic drunk, and I became a mother at ten years old because of you! I know how to drive and cook! You're the parent, not me! I'm the child not you! I'm sick and tired of how I have to live! I don't even want to live anymore! I just want to go be with Mom-"

"Shut up! You're ungrateful! You have a home, education, clothes, and food! If it weren't for me you'd be on the streets!" If he weren't sober his words wouldn't hurt, but they do. I sob and scream.

"Get out! Get out of here! I don't want to see you! Get out! Doctor! Get him out! I don't want to see him!" I scream with a blurred vision. I can't see, hear, or feel anything. I'm numb and I feel dead.


"Brynn!" I jumped in my seat as Mrs. Hill snapped at me. I looked up from my drawing pad and saw her with an ugly scowl on her face. "Please pay attention." She harshly says before turning back towards the board and continuing on with the notes. I roll my eyes and remind my self the she's a seventy year old widow with about ten cats in her house. Spacing out again, I look back down at my pad. Pouting I close it and shove it in my bag.

I've been drawing the same person for a month now. I've never seen him in my life and it's weird that I'm drawing him the same every single time. His five-o-clock shadow outlining his jaw, breathtaking hazel eyes, dark chocolate brown hair that's styled upward in the front, and he's just breathtaking in general. I'm thinking about him all the time and it's really irritating me.

Brynn pov

Slowly, my eyes peaked open. A light aimed down my way and I flinched. My head throbbed right behind my eyes. I groaned and slowly sat up in the uncomfortable. Where am I? My hand came up and rubbed my eyes, clearing up my vision.

I looked around and found myself in a hospital bed with a monitor beside me. What happened? I stood from the bed and let my cold feet hit the ground.

Slowly I turned to see the rest of the room, but I simply found my body hooked up to a bunch of machines. What's going on? My face had scars on it here and there. My neck was braced and my arm had a cast on it. What happened?

I ran out the door and to the lobby desk. People sat in the chairs either sleeping, reading a magazine, or on their phones. Nurses walked around with clipboards and spoke to each other. I made it to the desk and splayed my hands out on the desk.

"Ma'am, excuse me. Where can I find Henry Stone? He's my father." I was right in front of her and she ignored me. Did she not hear me? I'm right here. How can she not hear me? "Hello? Ma'am I'm trying to find my dad! His name is Henry Stone!" I'm practically yelling and she still ignored me.

Tears pricked my eyes and I turned looking at everything. I'll just have to find him myself. I walked towards the hall and looked at the names written on the doors. One after the other, every name was listed except for my dad's. I was about to lose hope until finally I found his name written in messy handwriting.

I walked inside to find him blankly staring at his lap. His face was pale and he had a large cut on his forehead along with a few on his cheeks. His leg was in a cast and he just looked completely miserable.

"Dad?" My voice cracked but he still looked my way. He can see me. I was about to run over him, when suddenly a man in a large white nurse coat was in front of me. Did he just walked through me?

"Mr. Stone, we need to acknowledge the state of your daughter." Dad kept his gaze aimed at his lap. He didn't make an effort to move anything. "She has brain damage, which is causing her to be in a state of coma. She has a broken arm arm and her organs are struggling to operate. The time of which she will be in coma is always unknown." Still no reaction. He's just sitting there. I'm in coma and he doesn't care. I walked forward with tears streaming down my face. He doesn't care. "It's her choice on wether or not she comes back, but until then we need to talk about financing her stay here." We have no money. He just got fired. You might as well kill me now.

Anger coursed through me as I backed out of my dads room. He doesn't care. Drugs and alcohol is all he cares about. I walked to my room and saw a nurse checking my vitals. Don't bother, I'm not going to be here much longer.

I made it to the edge of my bed and gazed at my dying face. The nurse finished up and left. I kept staring at myself. What's the point? Dad doesn't care. He's probably still drunk now.

"Just die already. No one cares about you. So. Just. Die!" As I shouted my monitor started going off. Darkness clouded my vision as I kept my gaze on myself. Then eventually, I collapsed to the ground as the nurse rushed back in.

Unknown POV

"Find her Daniel! She should've been home an hour ago!" Worry surged through me as I severed the mind link. I paced outside her house glaring at it.

She could just be late at the bar. This happened one time before but that was years ago. Pacing here isn't doing anything. I should go find her, but then she might get home when I leave. I growled and sat down staring at the house. Being a street dog is absolutely ridiculous. Why did I have to piss off that witch.

"Hey you awake?" I woke up to the voice of Daniel. "I found them." These words caught my attention and I stood up.

"Where are they?" I asked looking around. It was morning now and still no sign of them.

"You're not going to like this, but they're at the hospital." And that, is when my heart sunk.

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