Ch-28 | confessed

10 0 8

September 15, 1998, Thursday

Nora's POV

I laid down on my bed staring at void like a possessed person. Events that occurred throughout the day were replaying themselves in my brain.

Whenever I closed my eyes I remembered the feeling of those soft lips against mine and my eyes would burst open and resume staring at the ceiling.

As my staring contest continued, the door opened and the girls walked in.

"Wassup? Something wrong?" Carla questioned after she took seat on the bean bag near my bed.

I didn't answer and continued what I was doing. "You know, you called us saying you have something important to talk about" Ainsley said.

Still, nothing came out. I really wanted to talk but I was just too shocked as the incident fully sunk in, that I couldn't talk.

"Nora!" Carla shouted. "What happened?" She asked. I swallowed hard and sat up facing my friends.

"Okay.." that was the first word I uttered after returning to my room. "Yk I went down to the village ryt?"

They all nodded and I continued, "I met Draco down there and we drank butterbeers and went to a lake somewhere nearby"

"Then, it started to rain really hard and there was a gazebo nearby, so we went there. And.. he confessed to me" I paused.

Iris let out an audible gasp and Carla reacted with a "What?!"

"You sure you weren't dreaming?"

I ignored Ainsley's comment and continued.

"Oh oh" I chuckled, it sounded awfully a lot like Rachel green's fake laugh. "It doesn't end there. I- I had my first kiss today" I stuttered.

"Omg!" Iris and Carla exclaimed. "Oh..."

"And.." I dragged. "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"How did I not know about this sooner?" Ainsley asked, a bit of surprise laced in her tone.

"Well, I'm telling you now"

"Woah... that's a lot to process in a few minutes" Carla commented.

"Tell me about it" I scoffed. "So? Are y'all official now?" Ainsley asked. "No."

"What do you mean 'no'?" Iris asked. "I- guys even if I have this massive crush on Draco I can't be in a relationship this young and-" I stopped looking at the faces they were giving me.

"Oh who am I kidding? How desperate does it sound when I say yes ryt away? And I'm not playing hard to get or anything" I sighed, "I actually wanted some time to process everything. It was a lot to take in a day. And that's what you should tell him if he showed up at your dorm" I glared at Ainsley.

The room fell into silence and remained that way for a while before something struck me. " Wait, why didn't you tell me Draco had a crush on me?" I asked Ainsley. Man.. it sounded weird to say it out loud this way.

"Wasn't my place to tell. It was his job to confess not mine to play the messenger" she answered.

Yea.. ryt.

After a while they all returned to their rooms leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

How will I tell him I'd be his gf?

Just walk up to him and say 'hey Draco I will be your gf'

My face scrunched up at the thought.

I was preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't realise how tired I was. I was out like a light after a while of lying down.
Draco's POV

I fucked up. Like really bad.

I should have taken some more time. Why did I have to do it ryt away?

I should've thought more than once before I did it. Hell I didn't even think once.

I was pacing in my room, thinking what I should do now.

It was 7:30 and dinner is about to start in half an hour. I was not hungry tho.. I needed to mend the mess I created.

So that's why I was waiting to hear the occupant of the dorm across from mine to come back to her den.

And after a few minutes I heard rustling outside and I slammed opened my door.

"I fucked up really bad" I exclaimed at the witch who jumped at my voice.

"You gonna give me a heart attack one day you asshole," Ainsley retorted. "And you did fuck up" she said leaning against her door frame.

A small hint of smirk came into her features before it disappeared as fast.

I was to riled up to care about it and continued shooting more questions. "Fuck. What did she say? I should've waited. Now I fucked up the smallest of chance I had"

When I continued my ranting she opened the door to her room and I entered it and sat on her bed continuing with my assumptions without letting her say anything.

"What do you think she'd say? All she said after the kiss was she needed time to think and goodbye. She doesn't like me. I should've waited until I was sure the feelings were mutual" I felt my throat tighten with each word that left my mouth.

"Yo! Bro chill. I was just messing with you. She just need time to process everything. And I'm sure she likes you back," she must have sensed the change in my tone that I, myself barely recognised.

"How can you be so sure?" I sighed and looked up at her. "You're too dumb for a topper. Why the fuck will she kiss you back if she doesn't like you, dumbass" she asked.

I blinked at her. It makes sense. I didn't know what else to say, so I just sat there in silence.

After a few minutes just sitting there I stood up, "good night" I mumbled and walked out of the room " 'night"

I walked into my room and hopped onto my bed, my stomach lurched at the thought of what Nora would decide.

Ainsley's words gave some sorta assurance but not much.

My thoughts led me back to Nora and I smiled, this time my stomach turned in a pleasing way. I couldn't get the feeling of wanting to kiss her again out of my mind.

The voice in my head yelled at me to go to sleep as my eyes felt heavy. But the thought of what might happen tmrw when I meet Nora in class or the great hall kept me awake.

But I eventually caved in and I was out cold.
(Words: 1056)

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