A sneak peak of their lives

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"Dewaldddddddddd" Reinard yelled as he was trying to get him out of his room.

"Rein can you shut up I am trying to find something" Dewald yelled back from his room.

"What are you even trying to look for? Your girlfriend? If yes than good luck, cause she DOSEN'T exist" he yelled back at him

"WELL yours does, why don't you go and have fun  with her!" 


"Eish boys quiet down" Yolanda came

"Seriously what's with you two"

"I am getting late for practice mum and Dewald won't get out of his room"

"I'll bliksem you Rein"

"Shut up both of you and Dewald get out right now!"

*Dewald opens the door*

"What took you so long " Reinard asked him angrily

"Well this!" He showed a post from Mumbai Indians 

"What's this?" Yolanda asked

"Mumbai Indians just retained me in the IPL auction forrrrr 3 million INR"

"WHAT" both of them said in unison


"Woah that's great after last I didn't expect this at all"

"What why?"

"You probably annoyed them"


"Shut up both of you, now come with me, dad's out of town so we'll first go to the church then both of you can go to your practice " Yolanda says as she leaves to get the car.

"By the way, how much is 3 millon inr in zak?"

"Um around 6,65,475 zak"

"Oh baby you need to give a party!"

"Shut it"


"I can't believe it that they picked that South African girl instead of me" Kriti said out of frustration to Disha and Arnav

"You can't say much Krits you'll be called racist, they don't count us as the black race all the time" Arnav told her

"She's white you idiot" Disha told Arnav

"Oh shi-"

"Who'll be called racist now?" 

"WELL- Krits aren't you a Paltan girl? Than why did you want a job in RCB so baddd?"

"They were paying more"

"Haaye ram!" Arnav whined dramatically 

"She's lying Arnav, Kriti will you tell him or.......?" Disha threatened her

"Actually banglore would be easier for me to visit you guy" 

"No Kriti please don't okay, we can meet while you stay where your dream is"

"But yaar, Mom and Dad don't live here anymore, they visit different places every now and then, you guys are all I have and both of you are in Banglore"

"Krits you love MI since you were a lil girl, please stay there okay, and it will be better for your whole music thing tooo"

"I know, but see I have not  received a confirmation from MI yet"

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