The Tsar And The Executioner

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"It's odd..."Columbina said softly, her voice somber and mellow as she stared at the screen before them," Watching Rosalyne's funeral happening before us, yet it did not happen in our timeline."

Aether seemed surprised that Signora died on this timeline, yet a part of him was glad that he actually managed to save Signora from her death in their timeline. Kiran noticed his expression as he chuckled and said,

"Something tells me you're glad that you saved Signora in our timeline."

Instead of denying it, Aether simply said," You have no idea..."

[Pulcinella, the Fifth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, was seen speaking to the other Harbingers in the room]

Pulcinella:We are gathered here today, to remember our dear comrade. In honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt half a day as the nation mourns her passing.

[In the other side of the corner, Pantalone, the Ninth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, clasped his hands together and chuckled]

Pantalone:Merely half a day? People truly say that the Northland Bank's true currencies are blood and tears. But, Mayor, even though speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable.

"I'm not surprised that he wouldn't care, you know," Yūrei said, catching the attention of those near him due to his past connections to the Fatui," He only cares about making a profit and all. Deaths of colleagues or subordinates doesn't matter to him at all."

"And I thought Arlecchino was a cold one,"Kiran added, which made Yūrei merely chuckle at the Swordsman's words," Guess there are those who can be significantly worse."

"Yeah... Out of all the Harbingers we've met so far, Childe, Signora and Arlecchino are pretty much the sane ones."Aether said, nodding his head in agreement with Yūrei and Kiran's words. Meanwhile, Signora was annoyed with the fact that the Regrator only cared about returning to his duties rather than laying his respects to his fallen comrade.

However, Qiqi was looking back and forth at both Baizhu and Pantalone and one thought clicked on her head - "Two Dr. Baizhus...?"

[Arlecchino, the Fourth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, leaned forward and glared at the other people in the room]

Arlecchino:Rosalyne died in a foreign land. But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries... Always with a convenient excuse to remain at the comfort of your homeland... You couldn't hope to understand. So why don't you keep your mouths shut?! We don't want to make the children cry...

[The camera then shows Childe sitting on the seats of the cathedral, arms crossed, not amused by the infighting between the Harbingers]

Childe:Hey, come on - even I don't think this is the right time or a place to fight.

Signora let out a small sigh, grateful that Childe and Arlecchino was sane enough to respect her demise in this timeline. Though they may not be in the best relations with one another, at least they still show some degree of respect for one another.

"Well, at least you and Childe were kind enough to show some respect, Knave."Signora said, earning a small nod in response from Arlecchino.

The Multiverse of The Traveler and The Trailblazer - THE REBOOT - Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora