Crooked Glasses .1

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((Ok that's the girl except she has brown eyes, long hair , and rarely wears the nose ring. I know it's a lot of changes but I don't like too complicated characters. imagine her as you want but that's how I imagine her. Her Instagram is @polinv ))

I open the door slowly hoping Connie wasn't awake. Holding the bags and turning around to close the door I hear the toilet flush. I shut the door quickly and attempt to put the groceries away as she walks slowly over to me. "Why are you here so late? We were suppose to cuddle." She whines. I smile lightly as I out the remainder of the food away. "Sorry I had a little dilemma at the little cafe on ButtonWood Street." I turn around to reveal my stained shirt as she begins smirking and than chuckling a bit. "How was work?" She asks from behind my now shut door as I slowly strip from my clothes in my room and grab a towel. I walk out and respond "a bit stressful but all good." I walk into the bathroom and get in to the shower. I stare down at the drain and at my feet. The water ran down my face and my body. It covered my ears and muffled sound. The only thing I could hear were my thoughts. I breathed heavily and watched the water fall across my eyes. Tears fell down my blank face alone with the water. "Delilah!" I slowly pull my head up and wipe my face then peek my head out the curtains. "Yeah?" I yelled back. "Don't forget to take your happy pills!" I smiled faintly. "Will do m'am!" I shout back and then pull my self to my senses and wash my self. I start to wash my hair and get shampoo in my eye during the process. "Fück!" I repeated multiple times. I stomped my feet in pain. "CONNIE!" I screamed. In a matter of seconds she rushes in "Delilah what's going on are you okay!?" "I got shampoo in my eye, no I'm not fücking okay." I growl. She laughs light heartedly. She hands me my towel. "Thanks" I mumble as she exits. I finish my traumatizing shower and change into a big white t-shirt and light blue shorts. I walk rather slowly towards my bed and flop onto it. Before I know it not, even under the covers - I'm fast asleep.

I wake up, rubbing my eyes groaning.
I smell pancakes and smile abit, but that smile is stopped by the realization of my morning breath and my job. I pop up and run into the bathroom, I wash my face, brush my teeth, take my pills and brush my hair. "What time is it?" I ask loudly as I pull on jeans. "5:07!" Oh god it opens at 6 I'm going to be late. I quickly toss on my white t-shirt, cuff my pants, toss on some cow print socks, and my glasses. "Are you going to eat?" Connie asks. "Uhh...yeah I'll eat!" I say as I clumsily toss my bag around my chest and slide into the kitchen. "Good Morning four eyes." She greets while she sets the pancakes and eggs on the plate. "Morning." I say and dig in. I pull up my sleeves and check my watch to see its 5:18. Okay that's not bad at all. "What time do you head to the bar?" I ask Connie. She's a bartender. "12pm. Today I'll be working extra hours. I need the money." She laughs. I stand up and wash my plate then go back to my room to make my bed. I'm a clean freak okay. "Connie?" I ask while walking into the kitchen. "Hm?" She hums in reply. "Can you do a French braid for me?" I ask as I hop onto the counter. She comes behind me and finishes while a few pieces of hair rest around my face. I struggle to push my feet into my shoes. "I gotta go now. I'll call you okay?" I say as I stand up. She rushes over and grabs my face then kisses my cheek. I laugh and leave the apartment and go outside. I look around and finally see my bike. I hop on and head to Sunshine Care.

I open the door and see Liam sitting behind the counter. "Hey Lima!" I smugly greet. He stands up with a pout on his face and rushes over to hug me. I stand in shock and slowly reach my arms around Liam's back. I bend back a bit because of his height. "Liam....?" I asks slowly and pry him off me while he stares at me with tears eyes. "Liam? What's going on?" He shook his head and buried it into my shoulder. I squeeze him even tighter as I slowly feel my neck and shoulder soak with his tears. " should lay down or something." I say soothingly and I rub his back in circles. Never have I ever seen Liam cry. He has only hugged me once and that's when he met me. He nods slowly into my shoulder. "Ok..I'll cover for you. I'll be by afterwards to check on you, okay?" He sniffs and squeezes me tighter in response. I gasp for a breath of air. "Liam go home," "I owe y-you Liliah."
I nod into his shoulder and pat his back.

Around 2:30pm I stood by the door greeting parents and handing them their child. "Bye Mrs. Anderson!" I wave happily. I turn around and get the keys, my phone, and bag. I turn around and shut the doors behind me after locking them with a satisfying click. I pull out my phone and stand in front of the daycare as I dial Liam's number. I slowly pace back and forth in front of the daycare staring at the ground. A person hits my right shoulder harshly. I snap my head up to see a brunette with blue eyes, he looks me up and down before saying, "Watch where the fook your going!" "I could say the same to you, you fücking àsshôle!" I shout back as he walked away. Ugh. I look at my phone to see Liam was on the phone for a little now. I start walking over to my bike, while plugging my earbuds in and make my way to Liam's.

"Liam how are ya?" I ask pedaling a few blocks away from him. "I'm still..upset but I'm better. My mates came over to comfort me. I'll introduce you to them when you get here." "Okay I'll be there in 10." I say quickly not wanted to be too distracted while on my bike. "Okay see you soon Liliah." I smile lightly as I see that he has made a nickname for me - that for once in my life I actually enjoyed.

I stood outside Liam's door waiting patiently. I heard giggling and running around. Weird. I pull out my phone to check Tumblr and reblog a few pictures. My head pops up when I heard the door fly open. And I look up to see those green eyes and wild hair that spilt coffee on me the day before.


Ok idk how anyone will like this I only got 14 reads last chapter so we'll see how this does. I'll update soon bc I already have ideas.

Much love x

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