Party Noob || Poob

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    Party Noob|| Poob - Day one

  As I got off the elevator I looked back at Pest but I looked back to get home, I don't understand why Pest hates me so much. I never did anything toward him but be happy but just be me. Yet I guess its my fault he hates me

    I looked at my apartment, it was a huge mess, guessing the player came in. I don't mind just wishing they wouldn't leave the mess for me to pick it up. They can at least help me clean! I slowly began to clean up everything but it was so hard when I'm tired and I'm in such a rush because the party is soon!

    As I cleaned I saw a broken picture frame, I went to pick it up to look at the photo. I smile as it was a picture I took of me and pest, I in the bottom doing a peace sign and pest just looking   pissed.  Can't help but smile yet get sad going back to the elevator I never will understand he reasoning but I will always gonna try to be his friend no matter what it is! I go and fix the frame and bedroom the last room of the house that ended cleaning. I look around at the least dirty house grateful I'm not the one hosting the party tonight but my friend Uno, Dos , y Tres. they always threw huge parties at the happy homes forgetting last year when their house exploded  by a meteor shower that happened but after that everything went all back together again.

   I Grabbed a gift I planned to give to the three and just waited for the Elevator again hoping maybe when It arrived there would be someone I actually like hanging out with like my best friend Infected,  I'm glad they Agreed to come to the party with me as I will like to hang out with my closer friend at parties but if not I always makes new ones. It's not hard for me making new friends cause my personality but some may find it pest does but it oki cause it makes me more likable to people so it win in my part of defenses.

   Finally after waiting for around 20 minutes the Elevator Arrive, as the door open I Notice it empty I shrugged it off not caring much at least its not someone dangerous or someone who rude like Gnapry. I set up on and press a floor hoping it will end up where I need it to go to, As the Elevator went down I only kept checking my phone texting Infected to see if they do show up

                                                                                                 Party Noob|| Poob
                                                                                  Hey Inf! :D? U Stillz Comingz! :3?
Infected || Kas
H3y yAll dud3! Zo R3aDy To G3t Th3 PaRtY StArt3d! XD
read 3:10 pm
                                                                                                Party Noob|| Poob 
                           YaY! Im in the elevator rn so seen you soon inf :D!

Infected || Kas
S33 YaLl! B3 SaF3! 
read 3:12 pm

      I Smiled at the text and put it in my back pocket, I looked at Elevator Door and to the floor number usually The Elevator will make an unwanted stop but this time it was smooth way to smooth for my liking but it was good it not shaking as much as it always does, I didn't like how quiet it was on the Elevator since I love talking to anyone who in it  but it better then the player being there, They always be spraying me but I love the people who throw petal at me those one are nice the one I hate are the people who punch me for fun it hurts but I don't do anything unless they piss me off to a point. The Player make the Elevator Fun tho and I'm all in for some fun!

          While I was  out paying attention the elevator made a full stop, I Snapped out of it when it made the usually rough shake. I pick myself up and hold the gift well The Doors open and I looked out to see it wasn't a random place but the happy homes, I Smiled as it was the Happy's homes and quickly step out to see the party already started As I walked I felt something  tackle me from the back I made a silent ack sounds as I turn around to see it was infected. 
"Dude! Don't scare me like that, Had me thinking I was gonna get jump!" Infected chuckles at my comment like he usually does before sneezing "Sup dud3,aLs0 wh0 w0uLd JuMp y0u?" I Rolled My eyes and smiles first bumping him when he got off my back. 

   We continued to talk while we walk to get inside the house It was very clear everyone was having fun inside, You could hear the music blasting from the house from far and the lights where flaring some party light even making it somewhat outside to shine on the ground. We Entered the house not surprised by how many people were there The Trio always had the biggest party holding I'm surprised they never got noise complaint from their neighbors but I never meant them so maybe they in here partying as well.

   Infected and I walked to the kitchen where we greet the trio I gave them my gift and they all thanked me as we continued to talk about random stuff and when my next party, Infected just eating and drinking stuff just staring at him got me thirsty so I went to grabs a drink. While I was pouring some the punch in my red cup till someone came up next to me sparking a Conversation with me, I greeted the girl as she did the same I wasn't bother but she kept asking me lots of questions about Infected, it was weird but I replied! 

    "So, Like Another Question You friend over there umm is he single?" she asked so nonchalantly,
   I looked puzzled Is this why she wanted  to talk to me about. I looked at her with like awkward smile I knew Infected had a huge Crush on Lampert, Infected was Bi but he wanted to get with Lampert. I looked at her "I'm sorry,  but he likes someone else. But I'm sure you can still be friends with him! Infected a really nice guy and-" but she cut me off before I can finsh "oh. so he gay- ugh its always the hot guys who are whatever." then she just left. I just stand there before snapping out of it and shrugging it off, I take a sip of my drink before quickly spiting out it disgusted  by the taste Never knew fruit punch could taste awful but since I'm already near infected and the trio, to not look bad I continued to drink it. 

      After drinking a ton of fruit juice someone finally said someone spiked it with Some type of  Alcohol, I only Realize that after I Drank after 8 cups I was already tipsy.Infected had to hold me up since I kept stumbling around He laughed at me "h3Y GuYz I H4v3 t0 g3t Th1s 0n3 T0 b3D XD Th3y t1psy" He put his arm around me to keep me steady and not to fall. I can't see well as my vision  getting blurry, Im getting a huge headache and my brain start to feel funny but I hope it all good. I walked out with infected as he holding me I struggle to walk out the front step and almost fall but infected grabbed me before I could, we looked at each other before we just burst out laughing knowing it was stupid.

     We Step Foot inside the elevator luckily it was just us, Infected  pressed the button and keeps holding me as I keep stumbling "heyyy Inf-. hic..did you know some lady came to me and wanted to like ask you outt? I turned her down for you since you like lampert, aha you like lamps" I don't why I said this but I know the Alcohol is taking a real huge affected on me making me say some dumb shit. I saw Infected cheeks grow a pink hue before he hit me playfully on my shoulders "y0U TaLk stUp1d Wh3n DrUnK ShUt uP! aNd ThAnK F0r D0iNg ThAt f0R m3" I just smiled before I looked the at floor my headache coming back to me and my throat wanting to throw up-

    Seems like Infected notice that and patted my back stepping away but still holding me as a way to get himself away In case I do end up throwing up in the elevator, The Elevator Opened up to my apartment and infected rushed me to the bathroom. I began to throw up in there as infected rubbed my back He put my party hat on the sink just to be safe in case it fell when I lifted my head. "t3lL m3 T0 NeVeR GiV3 y0U AlC0h0L" He chuckled, I looked up after throwing up all I could He helped me up again and held me up to take me to my room. He took off my shoes and laid my bed covering me up, It was obvious we weren't taking this serious cause we started acting like a dramatic mother and son Infected speaking to me in a awful woman voice asking me if I wanted a bed time story and if my "tummy" hurt. 

     Infected stayed for a while before he decided he should go back to his apartment again we weren't taking anything serious so he kissed me on my forehead as I screamed how gross it was but I was grateful he even stayed behind to take care of me, Before he left he brought me two water bottle and some painkillers so when I wake up I can take cause We both knew I was gonna have a massive hang over. He waved me off and left my room I can assume he took the elevator as Infected gone my eyes starts to shut close.

                                                                          I soon Fell asleep 

Author note: 

Hello! Im starting this new book and hopefully I do work on it! I hope you liked the first chapter cause I worked hard on it. I Struggle a lot with idea to write so if I make some crazy shit up please leave a comment to tell me I could to fix it!

Idk If should continue so if you think I should let me know!


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