12: there's always next time

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"hey, baji's awake!" kazutora exclaimed as he walked through the door with akkun and yuzuha.

"we got you food, baji." yuzuha added as the rest of them came over to the couch with their bags of snacks.

"thanks." baji mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

he gave you one last sideways glance before kazutora attempted to worm his way into sitting between you. before he could though, baji scooted closer to you, forcing kazutora to sit on his other side.

you had to refrain from smiling at the gesture outright, and it gave you a small glimmer of hope the moment hadn't just passed.

yuzuha and akkun distributed the snacks, and everyone was quiet for a peaceful moment. as you drank your water, you could've sworn it was the best tasting thing you ever had, but it may have just been the weed talking.

eventually, yuzuha yawned beside you and stretched her arms out before turning to you.

"i'm feeling a nap now. did you still want to come back to my house y/n?"

"uh.." you started, looking over at baji who also seemed keen to know your answer.

going back to yuzuha's house had been the original plan, and you felt bad ditching on those plans for a guy you would definitely get to see again soon.

you gave him an apologetic look before replying with a yes to yuzuha.

"laaammmeee!" kazutora shouted.

"i'd say. i could've given you a ride home on my bike." baji said to you as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"woah! you'd do that here for her baji? what if i wanted to give her a ride home?" kazutora asked.

yuzuha stood up and you followed her movements, getting up and smoothing your skirt.

"fuck off. she just lives close to me." baji shrugged.

that was news to you.

"she's mine tonight! bye!" yuzuha laced her fingers between yours and headed towards the door.

you let out a laugh, waving goodbye at the three men who remained there.

"hey -" kazutora started.

"you heard her! there's always next time!!" you waved and winked over at them.

"see ya! get home safe!" akkun called out.

"well he's nice." you commented as you left and started towards yuzuha's house.

"he's the second nicest one, right after angry." yuzuha agreed, pausing when she realized she was still holding your hand. "i can let your hand go, too."

"i don't mind it." you squeezed her hand for reassurance.

she smiled over at you, and the whole way to her house you talked about how you would order takeout and do a spa night. but despite these plans, both of you crashed as soon as you got there. you fell asleep on the couch while whatever movie yuzuha had put on played in the background.

hakkai came back at some point later that night and saw you two passed out on the couch. luckily, he woke you and you moved to yuzuha's bedroom before sleeping once again.

the next morning, you went back to your house, unsurprised to see your mom still wasn't home despite her saying she would be there that weekend.

maybe she texted me? you wondered as you pulled out your phone to check.


Something came up at work. I won't be coming home.

Love you.

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