Issue 1: AFO

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When I was first reading MHA I thought at first AFO was very interesting. A mastermind who had his hand in everything. But once he came back in PLW that's when it became bad. Shigaraki was finally becoming his own person only to be body jacked by AFO and be replaced by someone who isn't as smart as he made to be seemed. For one why didn't he take best jeanist quirk? The reason he said is because it wouldn't suit Tomura but we now know that's bullshit. Also the whole idea that's oh he didn't want it it cause it's to complicated is completely a head cannon. And even if he didn't want it, still take so you get one of the top hero's off the playing field. Just shit it into a nomu or something. Second why didn't he take overhaul. Now there have been a few answers to this. One is that he didn't know who he was which is false cause in the next page he says his name and his role in his yakuza group. Two is that AFO can't take new gen quirks which is also a head cannon.  Also if we include the movies AFO has a quirk which allows him to see what quirks people have. What makes this worse is chapter 419 I won't say anything but if you have read it you'll know why. One small thing is why doesn't he have hyper regen in the final battle? It is never explained or even given a good reason. Lastly is the whole rewind BS. How can the doctor that is able to bring a corpse back to life not able to make a bullet that doesn't rewind the person to nothing. It makes no sense to me. But yeah that's my issue with him. I want this to be very clear you can still like MHA but it just isn't what it use to be.

Also I think him giving BLANK the BLANK quirk is BS if you know then don't spoil it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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