Chapter 2: Stay calm in your code-line, don't die getting jumped by Super Moon

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I got "welcomed" in by my code-line uncle without even being prepared. I was thinking for a while about how I should respond. After thorough consideration, though, I realized I was kind of afraid that our representation would be damaged, having a junior arguing with a senior. So, I chose to keep this grudge and wait for the time to settle it down someday.

The thing was, the whole ordeal wouldn't have gone out of proportion if the one who posted the Instagram wasn't P'Ark. Gosh, he teased me only once and it was like I was being rampaged on by the whole faculty altogether. It was so much more painful than falling onstage, I tell you that. And why did people still see the post if P'Ark set his Instagram in freaking Private mode, you ask? Oho! It was his followers that captured the photo, having such a good laugh sharing it out.

Now, besides tripping on my own foot and falling onstage, there was also the matter of being in the same code-line with that bastard P'Ark that got me the most popular in the faculty as ever.

Whether it was my first-year friends, the second-year seniors, all the way to other-year seniors, they all knew about it. Let me get it straight. Right at this very second, there was no one who didn't know of Ai'Arm, the student of the Electricity Engineering faculty who was super handsome but also got the shittiest fortune.


"Krub?" As soon as someone's voice came into my ears, I quickly answered and turned back to look at the source of the voice.

Screammmmmmm. It was A-ngun, my year faculty's Star. I was so delighted that she came by to say hi. I remember after that fell, I was committed to cheering for her and only her, because body waves dancing performance was something that really hit Ai'Arm's heart; unlike the faculty's Moon, Ai'Theme, who got his position singing some tear-jerking song.

It sucked, but if you ask me whether I did cheer for him or not, I still did krub. He had already come that far.

"I've been waiting to see Arm so many times already, but still hasn't gotten the opportunity yet. And we don't have any classes together too."

"Do you want to exchange Line or Facebook then? So that it would be easier to contact each other."

Bingo! Although I didn't have an impressive start, I might still be able to pull the Star as my girlfriend.

We were both standing in front of the faculty hall, preparing to do the activities that the third-year seniors had arranged. Even though I was a bit on and off doing all these activities, it was better to, at least, show up so I wouldn't be causing problems with any parties. It was fortunate that the university and faculty were not that strict regarding these matters, so I could be a little more relieved surviving until the very end.

"Then can I have Arm's Line?"

"You can." If there was one thing going faster than the bank's interest, it was exactly me pulling my phone out.

I searched for the QR code on my phone and connected it to the other person's device. Finally, I had gotten the faculty's Star's Line into possession.

"From now on we can contact each other more easily, right?" A-ngun said with a clear voice that made me smile as well. The only thing I could do was go "yep" along with anything she said.

"That's right."

"Oh yeah, I have something to ask Arm to help with."

"Just say it. I can help with anything." No refusal, I will help you with anything you ask for.

"I know Arm is in the same code-line with P'Ark in Civil Engineering, so I was wondering if Arm could help me tell P'Ark to accept my friend request on Facebook, and my follow request on Instagram too."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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