Chapter 2 : "Unity Amidst Chaos"

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Madam Bidha fixed them with a stern gaze, her expression unreadable as she began to question them about the events that had transpired.

"Tashi, Dechen, I need you to tell me exactly what happened yesterday," she said, her voice firm but fair.

Tashi and Dechen wasted no time in explaining the situation, recounting the events of the previous day and detailing Yangay's role in instigating the conflict.

"Do you have any proof to support your claims?" Madam Bidha asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

"We don't have physical proof, but we know what we saw and heard," Tashi replied, his voice unwavering.

Madam Bidha listened intently, her expression softening with understanding. "Thank you for your honesty, Tashi, Dechen. I appreciate your willingness to come forward and address this issue," she said sincerely.

Feeling a sense of relief, Tashi and Dechen left Madam Bidha's office, their minds buzzing with a mix of emotions. Though the ordeal had been challenging, they knew they had done the right thing by speaking up and standing their ground.

As they returned to their classroom, Madam Bidha's voice echoed through the corridors, calling for Yangay and his cohorts to report to her office. However, there was no sign of them in the classroom.

"They're not here," Tashi muttered, frustration evident in his voice.

Determined not to let them evade responsibility, Dechen's eyes narrowed with determination. "We can't let them get away with this," she declared firmly.

With shared determination, they set off to find Yangay and his cronies, combing through the school grounds in search of the troublemakers.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, they finally spotted them near the school gates, their guilty expressions betraying their attempts to evade punishment.

"There they are!" Dechen exclaimed triumphantly.

Approaching the group with determination, Tashi's voice was firm as he addressed them. "You can't run from this."

Yangay and his cronies exchanged nervous glances, realizing their attempts to evade punishment had failed. With resignation, they followed Dechen and Tashi back to Madam Bidha's office to face the consequences of their actions.

Madam Bidha fixed them with a stern gaze as they entered her office, her disappointment evident in her expression. "You know why you're here," she said firmly.

Under her stern reprimand, Yangay and his cronies felt the weight of their actions. They knew they were in trouble and braced themselves for the consequences.

After a moment of silence, Madam Bidha delivered her verdict. "Consider this your first warning. Any further incidents of misconduct will result in more severe consequences," she said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

With a heavy sense of defeat, Yangay and his cronies left Madam Bidha's office, chastened but undeterred. And as they departed, Dechen and Tashi shared a knowing glance, their resolve strengthened by the knowledge that justice had been served.

As the school day came to an end, Dechen suddenly remembered that she had to speak with the vice principal about a project they were working on. Concerned about being late, she insisted that Tashi leave before her.

"Tashi, you go ahead. I'll go home bit late," Dechen said, her tone urgent.

But Tashi was hesitant to leave her alone. "Are you sure? I can wait for you," he offered, concern evident in his voice.

"Alright, I'll be outside the hall after the meeting, so pack your bag and come fast," Dechen agreed and left for the meeting.

As Tashi began packing his bag, a feeling of unease crept over him. Something didn't feel right.

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