Chapter 14: "Eternal Farewell"

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As Dorji Yuden sat in the sanctuary of her room, the haunting echoes of Tashi's and Dechen's parents' interview pierced through the tranquility, shattering the fragile semblance of normalcy that had enveloped her world. A wave of shock and disbelief washed over her, leaving her gasping for breath as the weight of the devastating news settled like a heavy stone in the pit of her stomach.

In an instant, the vibrant tapestry of her existence faded to muted hues, the colors of joy and laughter eclipsed by the looming shadow of grief. Tashi and Dechen, her steadfast companions, her confidants, her pillars of strength, were suddenly torn from the fabric of her life, leaving behind a raw and gaping wound that throbbed with a pain she could scarcely bear.

Tears cascaded down Dorji Yuden's cheeks in an unending stream, each drop a silent lament for the irreplaceable bond she had shared with her friends. Their absence reverberated through the walls of her heart, leaving behind a deafening silence that echoed with the echoes of their laughter and the warmth of their embrace.

Amidst the anguish that threatened to consume her, Dorji Yuden clung to memories like lifelines, each one a flickering beacon of solace in the vast expanse of darkness. She recalled the countless moments of shared joy and camaraderie, the whispered confidences exchanged under the cover of night, the unspoken understanding that had bound their souls together as kindred spirits.

And as she wept for the loss of her beloved friends, Dorji Yuden made a solemn promise to carry their memory forward with unwavering determination and love. Though they had been taken from her far too soon, their spirit would endure within her, a guiding light to illuminate the path ahead and remind her of the beauty and resilience of the human spirit.

In a poignant moment of reflection, Dorji Yuden also found solace in the thought that Tashi and Dechen had played a pivotal role in showcasing her creations to the world, their unwavering support and presence serving as a testament to the power of friendship and shared dreams. With a heart heavy with gratitude, she whispered a silent thank you to her dear friends, knowing that their legacy would continue to shine brightly through her artistry and passion, a tribute to the love they had shared and the dreams they had dared to chase together.

Inspector Tenzin Doelma stood tall and composed in the interrogation room, her gaze fixed on Yangay, the suspect in the tragic school incident. Yangay, seated opposite her, wore a defiant expression, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Yangay," Inspector Doelma's voice was firm yet edged with frustration, "we need to understand why this happened. Why did you unleash such violence?"

Yangay remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. Inspector Doelma leaned forward, her patience wearing thin. "Don't you understand the severity of your actions? Lives have been lost. Families shattered. You owe them answers."

A bitter laugh escaped Yangay's lips, his eyes flashing with defiance. "They deserved it," he muttered under his breath, his voice filled with venom.

Inspector Doelma's patience snapped. With a swift motion, she pushed back her chair and stood over Yangay, her presence commanding the room. "Enough! Answer the question," she demanded, her voice cutting through the tense silence.

Yangay flinched at her sudden intensity, but his defiance didn't waver. "Why should I tell you anything?" he spat out, his voice thick with resentment.

"Because," Inspector Doelma's voice softened, her eyes narrowing with determination, "it's your chance to show remorse. To make amends for the irreparable damage you've caused."

For a moment, Yangay hesitated, his gaze flickering towards the floor. Inspector Doelma held her breath, hoping to break through his hardened shell.

"Tell us," she urged, her tone gentler now, "what drove you to this point? There must be something."

 "Eternal Echoes: The Unbreakable Bond of two soul"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon