The Speed Chase

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(The scene takes place right where they left off, the criminal drives his car at extreme speed,

while heavily armed, the police cars continue with the chase.)

Criminal: Move over you slow pokes! I'm trying to get this stolen money to my house!!!

(The criminals car, speeds up more, flipping and crashing some cars)

Criminal: (laughs maniacally) NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!! NOTHING!!!!!!!

Police: I wouldn't be saying that if I were you, just ask a couple of "Incredible" Heroes.

Mr. Incredible: (off screen) You're right about that!

(We see a red car with an "I" on it representing the "I" in the Incredibles suits,

then we see the Incredibles)

Fan: Hey! It's our heroes!

(All the fans of the Incredibles cheer)

Mr. Incredible: Stay here kids, I will be right back.

(Mr. Incredible jumps out of the car and directly into the criminal car)

Criminal: (SCREAMS)

Mr. Incredible: Pull over this car this instant or I will give you a fight you'll never forget!

Criminal: Ha! You would not look like your super self since 15 years ago!

(Mr. Incredible attacks the criminal driving the car, the car spins around,

luckily no one gets hit, since all cars are on lockdown)

(The family laughs)

Dash: That will teach the criminal a lesson.

Violet: Yeah, and he would not be out, even if an animal tried to help him,

It wouldn't be a KITTY!!!

Elastigirl: You're right about that sweetie.

Violet: NO! KITTY!!!

(Elastigirl sees the kitty and gives a worried expression, Violet quickly

uses her forcefield to protect the kitty)

(Mr. Incredible continues to attack the criminal, he sees the kitty in the forcefield)

Mr. Incredible: Well, that teaches a lesson for teasing.

Criminal: Well now I will know the-- (He sees the kitty, screams, and tries to drive away from it, but he hits the force field, crashing

the car. The raccoon from Incredibles 2 tries to pull out a sticky burger, the trash can

ends up on the road, he notices the crashing criminal car, shrieks, and tries to pull it out harder and faster.

The criminal car hits the trash can and crashes into a grassy field)

Police: You're under arrest for reckless driving, thievery, and nearly injuring or killing us.

Criminal: I will be back.

Police: You have the right to remain silent. I hope you have a lawsuit.

(The police car drives away)

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