first mission completed

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Everyone get silent as my sissy walk down the aisle with baba

She is looking like a princess from heaven

Marriage officiant:  Mis Charitha das do you accepting Mr kim taehyung as your husband

Charu: yes ,I do

Marriage officiant: Mr kim taehyung do you accept mis charitha das as your wife

V: yes I do

Officiant started reading the vow
And now it's time for exchanging rings

Officiants: mr kim and miss  das ,now exchange the ring and become a part of each others life

V: A beautiful ring for my beautiful wife.

V: A beautiful ring for my beautiful wife

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Charu: thank u so much for coming in my life

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Charu: thank u so much for coming in my life

Officiant: now you can kiss to each other

V  hold charu's cheeks with both of his hand and kiss her on her lips for some seconds and then break the silence by saying I love you

V  hold charu's cheeks with both of his hand and kiss her on her lips for some seconds and then break the silence by saying I love you

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Everyone started clapping

And then I saw that big evil smirk on mr Kim's face
And at that moment I realised.
No I wasn't wrong
There is something off with this family

YOU ARE MINE Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora