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You were walking back from the museum unknown to you was the dog yo kai Espy was stalking you as she follows you casually reading your thoughts she thinks poked close finding who you had a crush on making hee furious she then turned her attention to your crush she then began to stalk them gathering info and dirt on them the next week their was a paper on their front door

-You have her medal song and dance

-She is a stalker commonly stalking you while reading your thoughts

-If you summoned her she'll be wanting to get you and herself away from danger or will aid in the best she can

-She has read your mind and would be immediately flustered if you had a . . . Dirty thought

-She would say she's a respectful woman still even though she is looking through your thoughts

-She won't kill but it is a tempting thought

-She could blackmail stalking and reading her rivals thoughts then blackmailing them to scare them off

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