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I was dying on the floor of the gym, struggling to breath normally, my heart beating frenetically. I could no longer feel my body, my legs, my arms, everything felt numb. This is why I don't workout I tell myself- I just hate it, truly. When people say you feel better about yourself after a good workout, they forget you also feel like shit because you can't even get up. I'm glad nobody's around to see me lying on the floor completely out of breath just cause I ran for more than 20 minutes on the treadmill. That's embarrassing but I like to tell myself that my strength lies in my brain capacities not within my body... I know that's lame.
After taking 10 minutes to get my heartbeat to slow down, I finally manage to get on my feet. I don't know why I decided to torture myself tonight. It was a bad idea which I regretted almost instantly. I just can't wait to get in the shower- I desperately needed one.

I'm leaning against the door of the elevator with my eyes closed and my arms crossed. I genuinely think I could fall asleep right here, that's how exhausted I am.
I feel the elevator coming to a stop, the doors open but I'm too worn out to even straighten up. I hear a couple of voices, people getting into the elevator, I still don't move. Out of nowhere I hear someone screaming and asking to hold the elevator. The stranger's loud request gets my attention so I flash my eyes open. Because I'm focused on the person rushing toward the elevator, I don't notice the people next to me. That's only when I let my eyes travel to the side that I see Max Verstappen accompanied by a woman with dark brown hair. I understand she must be his girlfriend considering they are holding hands. I should have recognized his Dutch accent when he got in. I wonder if he told her about the other night or if he didn't say anything like i did with Matt- not that Matt is my boyfriend but he's the closest thing I have to a serious relationship. I snap back into reality before letting my thoughts wonder any longer. I see the man who called after us works at the hotel judging by the uniform he is wearing. He begins « I'm sorry for screaming after you but there's a phone call for you at the reception ». I can hear the panic in his voice. Before I get the chance to reply anything, I hear Max's voice « Just put the phone-call through the phone in my room, please ». I almost let out a laugh when I see the man's face dropping instantly. He looks even more stressed than before, I'm starting to feel pity for him. His breathing gets louder, he clears out his voice and mumbles before finally getting his words out « I apologize M. Verstappen for not being clear enough but I was addressing myself to Miss Duprès". With that Max turns around, his blue eyes flicker over to me- I see they haven't lost their intensity. His girlfriend is watching me as well, I give them a small awkward smile. I can't believe the man is so anxious over a mere miscommunication issue. Is he that impressed by Max ? I mean I get he's a famous athlete but still he's not the Pope.
« Thank you for letting me know, I need to get back to my room but I'll come down shortly » I explain. That's only now that I realize I'm wearing nothing but a legging and a sport bra. I must look like a mess with my hair tied in a messy ponytail. I'm sure my face is still red still from my workout and like I said before I need a shower. I feel very uncomfortable especially when I look over to the woman with Max who's wearing a lovely evening dress, a pair of heels and a flawless makeup as well as a very sophisticated hairstyle.
« I'm sorry to insist but the man demanded you answer as soon as possible » the man's uneasiness is growing by the seconds becoming more and more obvious. I let out a sight, internally rolling my eyes. I already know who's calling because he's been calling me all week, most of the time at impossible hours due to the time difference.
« You mean M. Monnier right ? » I ask him, he nods and I add smugly « Let me guess he told you it's important ». The man nods in approval, I smile softly because it's always important with Arthur. « He mentioned something that happened to a man called James, said you would know who he is talking about. It sounded urgent ». My hearts skips a bit, I feel a wave of panic clawing at me. It takes me a couple of seconds to register what he said « Are you sure he said James ? » I can't recognize the sound of my own voice. « Yes » my heart is racing now, I can't think straight, I only know I need to get to the phone right away. « Give me your pass » my tone is cold but I couldn't care less about being rude right now. The men executes himself immediately, I think I practically snatch his pass off his hands before he has a chance to hand it out to me. I push past him and run through the lobby to the room where the hotel keeps their secured line. I know the way to get there because I have already been there several times. While I'm running, I can't think of anything besides getting ahold of Alex so he can tell me what happened. I push past the feeling of dread that takes over my body and my senses. I shut down my thoughts because none of the multiple scenarios I have in mind are positives. I draw my focus on getting there as quickly as possible.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 06 ⏰

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