"W-what?? No!" Jimin's whispered response betrayed his disbelief, unable to comprehend the revelation. The news came as a shock, shattering his preconceived notions of Taehyung's struggles. Despite his lack of understanding about the disorder, Jimin sensed the gravity of the situation and recognized its potential danger. Beside him, Yoongi sat in stunned silence, equally taken aback by the revelation. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over the room as they grappled with the newfound knowledge about the sweet boy they knew from past four years.

Jungkook's words were laced with a somber understanding as he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of his professional insight. He didn't turn to face Jimin and Yoongi, but he could sense their emotions. "I'm afraid something must have happened to him in his childhood, shaping the persona we witnessed tonight," he began, his tone gentle yet tinged with sadness.

"In response to that trauma, he developed different identity and behaviors to protect himself. As he grew older, these behaviors became more defined, leading to the existence of distinct persona within him." Jungkook's explanation painted a picture of Taehyung's inner turmoil, a complex tapestry of trauma and coping mechanisms. "As of now, each persona has its own name, desires, and needs," he continued, his words painting a vivid picture of the inner workings of Taehyung's mind. "It's like living in one body with different souls, and one soul doesn't have control over the others." The reality of Taehyung's condition sank in, leaving a lingering sense of sorrow and empathy in its wake as they grappled with the complexities of his inner world.

Jungkook's admission was heavy with concern and a sense of helplessness. "I'm afraid... truly, I am," he confessed, his voice tinged with worry. "Taehyung's this persona means... Red is unlike any patient I've treated before. It's fully integrated within him, and I'm not sure if my treatment will even have an effect on Red or if I can somehow subdue that persona within Taehyung." Jungkook's honesty laid bare the enormity of the challenge they faced in helping Taehyung find peace within himself. "He's incredibly strong, and his control over Taehyung is ironclad," he added, emphasizing the depth of the struggle they were up against. Jungkook understood the need for transparency, with Jimin and yoongi, who had entrusted Taehyung's care to him. They needed to be fully informed before deciding on the next steps to take in supporting their friend.

Yoongi's voice trembled with desperation. "P-please, hyung, do something!" he pleaded, his words filled with a sense of helplessness. The thought of what Taehyung might have endured was too much to bear.

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, his gaze shifting between Yoongi and Jimin, who were both visibly upset. "Yoongi, I want nothing more than to help Taehyung," he began, his tone tinged with frustration. "But the reality is, I can't move forward without permission from his parents. He's still a minor, and I need their consent to begin any treatment." His voice wavered with emotion as he continued, "We've seen firsthand that something isn't right with Taehyung, and it's clear that his parents must know something's wrong too. Yet, they haven't taken any action to help him. It's baffling." Jungkook's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he spoke. "And Taehyung himself doesn't even know about Red. Without his parents' consent it will count as illegal for me to help him, it can even get my licence ban!"

Everyone fell in silence. Unable to say anything further, until Jimin speaks up.

Jimin's voice quivered with emotion as he spoke, tears welling up in his eyes. "What are we going to do now? Are we just going to leave him like that?" His gaze pleaded with Jungkook, his expression mirroring the vulnerability of a kicked puppy. "Everyone else has left him, are we going to do the same?" His question hung in the air, echoing the innocence of a child's heart untouched by cynicism. Despite understanding the legal constraints, Jimin's unwavering loyalty to Taehyung remained steadfast, His heart was as pure as the while shining pearl.

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