01. are you crazy?

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The streets of Mustafu were vibrant, filled with the conversations of the couples that held hands as they passed by various places. Both the young and the old littered every corner, every foot, every... everything of the streets. Lizbet was not patient whatsoever. All she wanted to do was go home from her the coffee shop that she had stayed at while the Spring rained down on the bare pavement. A sigh escaped her as she looked at her attire, a brown maxi skirt with her white cardigan covering her crown tube top — aka, she was not dressed for the weather.

A sigh escaped her as she started walking on the street, her eyes welded with tears as she realized it was freezing, the air-kissed skin that was exposed now covered with goosebumps. Her hands trying to untangle her matted hair as she looked, her feet felt numb in her Mary Janes.

She groaned as she sat on a bench, taking them off before rubbing her feet. This was so embarrassing, she hoped everyone was too involved with themselves to notice her. Her period must be coming soon, her eyes never stopped watering at this stupid inconvenience. She slipped her feet back into the shoes and wiped her eyes, "you're a Morales," she whispered to herself in her native language, "who cares if you're in a country... where you don't know anyone... and you don't speak the language well..." another groan left her as she sobbed.

Like a faucet, her tears never stopped, only continuing only she felt a hand on her shoulder. It truly scared her, she had no clue who this person was or why they were touching her, especially when she was crying and this is a stranger!

The boy's eyebrow was raised at her, "if you're crying, move to another bench, dumbass," He scolded. The green hood of his jacket was now removed, he moved his spikey blonde hair away from his eyes. He followed up with, "are you crazy?"

Lizbet's eyes widened, it wasn't often that she met someone in Japan who also spoke Spanish that wasn't her or her family — not only that, but he heard her trying to hype herself up. "I'm cold," was all she could say in her broken Japanese, her head was swirling in every direction. "Can you take me home?"

All the teenager understood was home, he wished he paid attention when Sero tried to teach him and his friends Spanish. "You want me to take you home?" He gestured to the actions, and she nodded. "Me— uhm— I — my name is Bakugo."

"I'm Lizbet," she smiled, wiping her tears before bowing towards the teenager to thank him. He nodded his head and fished his pocket for the keys to his car, he thanked the Gods that his mom practically forced him to get his license as soon as he turned sixteen.

He gestured once again to get her to follow him, walking to his red Toyota Corolla and unlocking it, watching as she sat in the passenger seat. He grabbed his phone and opened his maps app, "where do you live?"

Lizbet typed in her address hastily, "thank you so much, sir! I'll do anything to repay you!" She muttered sweet nothings and continuously bowed her head as he drove her.

"You can speak Japanese?!" He raised his voice, "and you let me struggle to speak to you in Spanish?!"

"My Japanese isn't good, I'm sorry! I'm more comfortable speaking in Spanish!" She continued to bow her head in apologies, her mascara running down her cheeks because of her crying.

Bakugo noted that her pronunciation wasn't the best, she wasn't fluent but she was trying. "Why haven't I seen you around?"

"I moved in with my dad like last week, my mom, she... whatever, my dad's a... hero." She told him, pointing to tell him to make a left turn.

Bakugo nodded, running a hand through his blonde hair, picking up a random girl was not on his to-do list. Right when he pulled into Lizbet's driveway, he grabbed her arm, handing his phone to her again. "Give me your number, dumbass."

His actions were weird to her, she learned about stranger danger, but he did know where she lived now. What was the harm? She thought, taking the device and inserting her number, saving it as "Lizbet!" — "thank you again for the ride, I owe you so much." She handed his phone back and closed the door, walking inside her house, disappearing from the blondes vision.

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