Chapter 2-rainy forest

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The night of the hunt was a rush of feelings for me, luckily, I was able to catch 4 rabbits and two foxes. That night me and Amity feasted like royalty, after that day, she woke me up in the morning telling me something I'd never expect.

"Amity, a cub is outside of our den, in a basket, maybe his parents left him here." Mitchi told me,with a worried and hurriedly voice.

I quickly stood up, I knew it was serious, after all, Mitchi was never really like this unless it was really serious and if right now was the time, I'd rather just stay quiet and listen, I headed to outside of our den, as I saw the basket and the cub, I picked the cub up, finding it to be a baby boy, I quickly took the cub in and made a baby bottle for it to stop it from crying.

as the days went on, it only got harder for me and Mitchi since we now had another mouth to feed, but even so, I decided to name the cube Luce, feeling as if it was a light that was brought to Mitchi and I as a gift sent from the heavens, as the upcoming days passed, the more we had food for ourselves, it was all going to be fine.

This Thursday I was making some food for Mitchi, me and Luce, I grew attached to Luce throughout the days so yeah. As the food was ready I called down Luce and Mitchi "Mitchi!, Luce, the food is ready!!." I yelled, grabbing three plates and setting them on the table and then putting food on each plate. Mitchi and Luce came running down and then quickly devoured the food, the next Wednesday was the day me and Mitchi would go to the market and find some supplies.

I was tapped on the shoulder by Mitchi, she looked at me and spoke to me with a gentle voice "Amity, when is the next time we go hunting, I feel sick a bit, imma go and sleep so if you could take care of Luce for some minutes while I sleep, I'd be grateful for it." After she said that, I nodded my head and picked up Luce, taking him to his bedroom and tucking him into sleep and then making some soup for Mitchi, when the soup was done, I went into her bedroom and put the warm fresh soup on the counter for her to eat right now or later since she was probably tired and hungry, after that, I headed out of her bedroom and went back to cleaning dishes.

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