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It was the crack of dawn. The sun wasn't even out yet, but Athena woke up, stretched her arms, and yawned when she heard someone calling her name. "Athena! Come downstairs; something is here for you," said her father, Xenophilius Lovegood. Athena got up out of bed and ran downstairs; she knew exactly what it was. "Give it, give it." Xenophilius Lovegood hands her the letter. She ripped it open and read it. She twirled around. She had dreamed of this day since she was little—all the stories her mother and father had told her. The next dad, Xenophilius, took Athena shopping to pick out things. Finally, the day Athena had been dreaming of her whole life came. It was the crack of dawn. The sun wasn't even out yet, but Athena woke up, stretched her arms, and yawned when she heard someone calling her name. "Athena! Come downstairs; something is here for you," said her father, Xenophilius Lovegood. Athena got up out of bed and ran downstairs; she knew exactly what it was. "Give it, give it." Xenophilius Lovegood hands her the letter. She ripped it open and read it. She twirled around. She had dreamed of this dad since she was little—all the stories her mother and father had told her. The next day, Xenophilius took Athena shopping for school supplies. Finally, September 1 had come around, the day Athena had been dreaming of all her life. Xenophilius took her, and she knew exactly what to do when she got on the train. All the cabins were full, so she found herself sitting with these two blonde-headed boys and two brown-headed boys. "May I sit?" Athena asks. The platinum-blonde-headed boy gives her a dirty look and sighs. "I guess if you must." The dirty blonde boy, who looked a lot like her, chuckled under his breath at the boy's comment. Athena sits down with the boy, who has dirty blonde hair. "My name is Athena Lovegood, and yours is?" She takes out her hand for him to shake. He looks at her for a second, deciding whether to shake her hand or not. "Andreas Rosier" He says it very bluntly, not shaking her hand or anything. She turns her attention to the platinum-blonde boy. "And your name is?" She raises her eyebrows; she said she already knew exactly who he was; he was a malfoy. Xenophilius, her father, had warned her to stay away from purebloods like him. "Draco Malfoy." It was very silent after that. Draco and Andreas would whisper things to one another and then giggle. They had finally gotten off the train. After the boat ride, which she had spent with Harry Potter and some ginger named Ron Weasley,. The teacher she knew, McGonagall, from her mother and father stories, was welcoming us to "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule is broken, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." A scared-looking boy jumps forward. Athena wonders what the heck he is doing. Then he sees the toad, and she goes to raise her hands. "Miss, I think this kid lost his toad." McGonagall steps forward and hands the boy the toad.The Draco boy she had met earlier then stepped over to the Potter boy, extending his hand. It's true, then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. Athena just rolls her eyes. From what she has seen of the two personalities, this isn't going to go well. This is Crabbe, and Goyle and I'm Malfoy—Draco Malfoy. Then that ginger boy snickers at his name. You think my name's funny, do you? There is no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. Well, soon you will find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. I don't want to make friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. Draco says this, extending his hand. "You know you shouldn't be such a prat; just your daddy has money." Athena says, standing up for the ginger. Draco looks at her and says, "I bet you're just like your mother, Loony." Harry cuts them both off and says, "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Athena smiles at Harry. McGonagall leads them in the great hall.She sat down in the seat to be sorted it was finally her turn. "Hmmm A Lovegood or Not." She had no idea what the sorting hat meant by that but before she could think the hate shouted "Slytherin."She walked and sat down next to a black short hair girl she was very pretty looking and a other brunette haired girl. "Your Athena right?" The black haired girl said."Yeah I am you are?" Athena asked looking at the girl. "I am Pansy and this is Astoria." Astoria smiled and I smiled back. We talked and talked until dinner was over and apparently I had been told to go to Dumbledore office. I walked in his office and see Andreas standing there to. Then Dumbledore starts talk "Mr Rosier, Miss Lovegood I'm here to imfore you that you guys are twins.I would like you both to know before the rumors start spreading" Athena looked disgusted at Andreas and just rolled her eyes and whispered "great, not only am I in Slytherin my brother is a absolute git too." Andreas just ignores the comment still trying to comprehend why Barty didn't tell him.

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