chapter 1 orange peels

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Tummpie poo pov

It all started when i was walking back to the WHITE house. I had just finished one of my spray tans, and they gave me an orange because I was being a good boy this time this time. As I was unwrapping my orange, i accidently dropped it as I went to pick it up. I bumped my head on something or someone.. I looked up and I realized it was Joe biden. I stared into his gleaming eyes they sparkled in the sun with the wind and leaves blowing around us. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I soon snap out of my trance, and I siad oh sorry about that. I-i-i didn't see you there! I start to get really flustered and try to cover my face biden then tells me that it was perfectly fine and that he was trying to help me I thank him and take the orange out of his hand and run away covering my face.

Bidey poo poo pov

I wonder why trump just ran away like that? Did I do something wrong? I was just trying to be nice. I knew he didn't like me, but he didn't have to be THAT ride about it. As I look at trump running away I can't but feel a bit of rage in me and I needed to confront him about this so I could get to the bottom of why he hated me so much.

Tumpie poo pov

as trump thinks to himself (WHY DID I DO THAT WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!? What is wrong with me? I don't even like biden. I hate him, then... why did I feel that way? No. It's just the embaresment of seeing that creature out in the wild. I would never like him, and plus, he's a guy that is just wrong. As I soon approached the White House, I got to the steps and opened the door. I then went to my room and lay on my bed, trying to figure out what had just happened. I would never like biden he's literally my enemy! And everyone else thinks that, too! We could never be friends, let alone more than just gross. As I look at my ice spice American flag, i feel myself going into a trance and falling asleep while the words GRAH go over and over in my head.

Bidey poo poo pov

I must go after trump so I can sort out our differences. I need to figure out where trump went. He most likely went to the White House. I will try there first. As I walk up onto the steps of the WHITE house and slowly knock on the door, trumps butler opens it, and I ask where he is, and the butler says he's in his room. I start to walk up the stairs, trying to find his room in the thousands of doors I soon then find tump laying on his bed asleep I walk into the big room and I see a dildogh on the bed I just ignore it and assume it's just decoration. I slowly walk up to him and sit on his bed and tap him on the shoulder.

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