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"I think I messed up."
"What did you do?"
"Well..." Josh started to explain scratching the back of his neck.
"Hey Mari."
"Hey Josh."
"How are you?"
"Good and you."
"So do you want anything?" Marinette asked breaking the silence.
"Just wanted to give you this. It's from Adrien." Josh smiled handing her a bouquet of roses.
"Thanks." Marinette smiled taking them.
"Adrien gave you these?"
"Yes why?"
"It's just because I don't think roses. My favourite flowers are dandelions."
"Oh. Maybe he just forgot?"
"Maybe." Marinette smiled weakling.
"I just thought he knew what my favourite was."
"Well it does seem like he's going through a rough time, so maybe he didn't really think about it."
"I guess you're right."
"But I can buy you dandelions if that'll cheer you up."
"No it's fine thanks." Marinette giggled.
"I have to go to class now. So bye and thank him for the flowers."
"I will bye." Josh waved heading to class.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what her favourite flower was."
"You could've asked me!"
"You're right I'm sorry."
"Please ask before you do anything else."
"About that..." Josh smiled nervously. Explaining how he got her favourite chocolate wrong, bought her a necklace even though Marinette doesn't like necklace but prefers brackets and giving Marinette a gift card for a shop she never goes to. Marinette kept accepting all these gifts even though she felt heartbroken that Adrien didn't know her at all. The part Josh kept leaving out was that he kept offering to buy Marinette the things 'Adrien' didn't. Adrien was furious hearing all the things Josh did wrong, but he couldn't blame him. Since he chose to trust Josh to help him impress Marinette. But now Adrien doesn't think Marinette even wants to see him, because what boyfriend doesn't know what his girlfriend likes and what she doesn't.

After school Adrien had an early photoshoot and couldn't see Marinette. So he decided to go see her afterwards.

Nervously Adrien knocked on the door hoping an praying Marinette wasn't mad at him.
"Hey." Marinette opened the door smiling.
"Hey." Adrien smiled back handing her a basket of goodies consisting of all her favourite stuff.
"Awww Adrien you didn't have to." Marinette said taking the basket.
"Yes I did. I'm here to apologise about everything. Being clingy, yelling at you and for not having the courage before. I'm sorry I sent Josh to apologise on my behalf. But I promise I wasn't the one that bought all those gifts. It was Josh." Adrien explained.
"I know."
"You do!?"
"Yeah. After a while I realised that you couldn't know that little about me. I mean we've been friends since we were kids."
"Come inside and lets talk." They walked inside and went to her room after Adrien greeted her parents.

"Why did you send him?"
"I was ashamed about the way I acted."
"Adrien. You don't have to be ashamed. I mean every couple has their arguments now and then. And I mean I can tell something is bothering you, but I've come to the conclusion I'm not forcing you to tell me. I'm just going to be here for you until you're ready to share."
"Thanks Mari."
"Of course. Hug?" She asked opening her arms. Nodding Adrien walked over to her. She wrapped him in her arms as he rested his head on her shoulder.
"I love you Adrien. I hope you know that."
"I love you Ocean. Thanks for always being here for me."
"I'll always be here. Okay?"
"Okay." He smiled pulling her closer. Giggling Marinette planted a kiss in his nose.
"I love you."
"I love you." They smiled at each other before sharing a sweet kiss.

The next day at school everyone was happing seeing them back to normal except one person.
"I thought you said you handled it?!"
"I did. Well I thought I did. But it seems their bond is stronger then it looks like."
"Well we will just have to find the weak spot. Find out the reason why their fight all starting in the first place."
"Why are you doing this?"
"You don't have to know."
"I really don't like this. The seem to really love each other. It doesn't feel right to destroy that."
"Listen. I don't pay you to ask questions or to have an opinion. You agreed to this and there's no backing out. Or I will stop paying your mum's medical bills."
"Okay fine."
"Good boy."

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