Chapter 5

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Malayka POV

It's been about 3 weeks since l got married. I would like to say that l hit the jackpot.  Lucas is a really nice person to live with. We have opened up to each other, but not entirely. For him, talking about his work is very sensitive. And for me l still have many off those.

I was currently in my office trying to get through paperwork. I am my own boss and I could just go home but what kind of example would l be setting.
I grab the paper , but before l could start reading , l had a vision.

Someone was punching my husband.  In my building in the lobby.

After the vision ended I ran to the elevator and reached the lobby just before some one delivered the punch. I pushed him aside and the punch landed on me instead.

I felt my throbbed eye and winced. Lucas was by my side immediately.
" Let me see love" He said.
"What is going on here? Why did you try to punch him Gerald?"
Gerald. He worked in the finance department for almost 2 years now.  He was a straight up guy. Never got into conflicts.  So l don't understand what was happening.
" This man came here claiming to be your husband. The security wouldn't let him in because we all knew you didn't have a husband. He was giving them a hard time and he said something about you and l just got mad."
" What? That you guys shouldn't touch me because physical contact was reserved for her."
At his words l instantly blushed. Lucas always had a way of put things that l absolutely adore. He always make me feel special .
" I'm sorry to disappoint you..."
I turned at the crowded that had seemingly formed to watch what was happening .
"Afternoon  everyone. I would like to introduce MrLucas husband"
I heard gasps and mummers in the crowd.
" Come on love we need to get that before it swells."

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