Chapter 2

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There was a quiet atmosphere in the restaurant, there were one or two tables who were speaking quietly to the people with them. Soft guitar music from Millie(she's only allowed to go hardcore if on a Sunday.)

Zander was simply cooking behind the counter. He gently kneaded the dough of some bread he was making, every single table got a free bowl of bread with their food, but they were running out so Zander and as making more. Though there was quite a few orders he still had to get done. So he was alternating between the two. When all of a sudden he heard raised voices. Zander tried to ignore it as he continued to do his work, until he identified the regulated calm, yet irritated voice of Luke. That sparked his attention as he turned around and looked through the order window clearly seeing Luke dealing with a..troublesome customer.

Luke was looking around as she was on her rant, and made eye contact with Zander. Luke simply smiled at him and rolled his eyes, making Zander smile lightly as Luke turned back to the customer.

"Once again, I am very sorry ma'am however you have to be patient with our chef. Not only did you only order less than five minutes ago, but he's also balancing lots of other food he has to make." Luke explained, irritation evident in his voice.

Ah. So the argument was about their food not being out quick enough-? That's a bit dumb. Zander just shrugged. He heard the double kitchen doors open, he looked over and saw their other waiter, Jake.

"Man-! That customer won't shut up-!" He yelled, but Zander immediately shushed him and pointed to the order window, showing that the kitchen wasn't as private as he'd maybe want it to be.

Jake muttered a 'Shit' and shut up, both he and Zander froze in silence, waiting to see if the customer heard, but she was still going strong on her rant to Luke, so they let out a sigh of relief.

"Seriously..! She's been here for not even 10 minutes and she's causing a scene.." Jake whispered.

"Hm, about how long her food is taking, right?" Zander questioned, tilting his head as he went back to kneading.

"Yes-! And I tried to explain to her before Luke butted in that we only have one chef and two waiters, but she wasn't having it!"

"Well if she wants her food she best suck it up or I'll just decide to take my sweet time making it on purpose."

Jake only looked at him unimpressed. "Zander. You and I both know you can't do that."

Zander rolled his eyes. "Too ba-... And she's knocked the flowers off the table. Great." Zander flinched hearing the glass shatter. He looked behind him through the order window again, seeing Luke standing there, his jaw absolutely dropped.

"Ma'am-! I understand that you are dissatisfied with out service- But you can't just break our stuff-!?" Luke said, clearly trying to remain polite.

Jake just groaned as he left the safety of the kitchen, presumably to try help.

"Ma'am, as my coworker has mentioned, you only ordered 5 minutes ago. Chef is currently making dishes for that table there, bread, and your dish aswell. Please be patient."

"I will not be 'patient'-! I have been patient enough thank you! Infact-! This service is absolutely absurd! Where is your manager!? And your janitor!? You're just going to leave this mess on the floor!?"

"You caused the mess." The live performer, millie, called out. "You stay out of this young lady!"

All of a sudden, Hailey left her office, with Sean trailing behind her. Evidently they had seen what was going on from the security system.

"Miss, I sincerely apologise that you are unhappy with our service, however, please refrain from yelling at my staff and vandalising my property."

The argument continued as such, Zander and the other guests watching. Soon enough, Zander finished the other tables food and ringed the bell, but over all the chaos, no one could actually hear as he did so. Zander only shrugged as he picked up the dishes to deliver them himself.

He made his way to the table, carefully, no particularly having the same skill as Luke and Jake.

"I'm terribly sorry for the wait-...and the chaos. Please, just try to enjoy your good I am sure whatever is happening over there will be done soon.."

The woman just took the food from him gratefully as she smiled and nodded, handing one plate to her daughter, and the other to her husband.

"Oh-! Zander! Sorry! I didn't hear the bell-!" Zander heard Luke behind him. "Thanks for taking that out- sorry once again, I'll take the rest out." Luke smiled. Zander only smiled back as he nodded, giving a small polite nod to the guests as he made his way back to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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