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When Tallulah woke up the next morning, the alley was still dark, the sun had not risen yet. Still, she gets up, stretches, and peeks out the alley onto the empty street.
She walks the sidewalk quietly to the nearby soup kitchen where she waits for the soup lady to open.
As the light of the sun first shines through the trees, the metal door opens, and the soup kitchen opens shop.
The lady smiles as she sees her regular costumer in her tattered purple and black huipil, barefoot, her messy black hair, staring, clenching some money she managed to earn.

She remembered the girl's mother, a working woman. Slept with many men to have a roof over their heads. Then they came, the night walkers. There in her bedroom, she was found lying still. Dead white, drained of blood.

The poor child had nowhere to go but the alley by her soup kitchen. Tallulah was sweet and kind and always asked how everyone's day is. Once a week, she would even give out Amapola's to people who pass by.

Such a beautiful, sweet young girl.

"Hola little Tallulah, how much to do you have today?" She asked.

"Just a dollar and three quarters. This is all I have from my music performances. I do try my hardest, I promise."

"And I believe you, tell you what. Two of those quarters for one bowl. How's that sound?"

She nodded, "I would like that, gracias."

She handed over the coins with ease and the soup lady handed her a bowl.
She thanks her and sits on a park table.

"Hello there Tallulah. Enjoying your soup this morning?"

She turned her head to see a familiar face from yesterday.

"Mister Q!" Mister Q look like he wanted to be in the shade and winced whenever the sun hit his skin. Yesterday Mister Q was dressed proper and rich, she assumes, he's now dressed casually in a blue hoodie, black pants and a blue hat that said 'LAFD'. He had a warm smile on his face, Tallulah likes how nice Mister Q was to her.

"My soup is good, the soup lady let me keep most of my savings. Where is Tilin?"

He sat down in front of her.

"She's at home, she misses you. I have been sent here to ask if you would like to come over to my current residence."

Her mind went blank after he said that. She didn't know what to say. She remembered her mother teaching her about strangers and to not trust them. But Mister Q wasn't a stranger, he bought her food when she was hungry, he gave her company when she was alone. He wasn't a stranger, he's a friend.

"Um, I-I I'm not sure. Will I be safe?" She asks.

"Of course." He nods. "I will keep you safe."

'And so will they.'

"O-okay, I'll come with you."

She took his open hand and walk into the forest.

Unaware of the three wolflike creatures watching.

The leader, with gold like fur, growling as their potential fledgling taken from them by their rivals.


The walk was long, Tallulah was sure they were walking for hours.

Mister Q did try to entertain her, he told her about Tilin's brother Chayanne who is a spitfire but very protective of his family. Others who lived at the house were some people named 'Tommy' and 'Technoblade' who are brothers.

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