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It was the weekends already, and today was the scheduled date for Love to be at the amusement park along with her Boss, Coworker, and her Boss's bestfriend.

"What do I wear?!"

Love panicked as she stared at the variety of clothes inside her closet, already nibbling on her bottom lip. She sighed and calmed herself down, slapping her cheeks softly. She was acting like a lovesick teenager.

"Why am I panicking? It's just a bonding with friends!"

Deep down, Love really wanted it to be a date, but she knew she was hopelessly dreaming. She groaned and decided to just get on with it, aimlessly grabbing some of her hanged clothes.

"This will do..."

She finally finished her look with a light makeup, combing her hair using her hands to add some volume to it. She smiled at her reflection, before grabbing her important belongings. She got out of her unit, heading to the elevator so she can go to the basement where her car was parked. Her phone 'dinged', indicating that there was a new message.

From: My Boss

: Love, are you on your way?

Before Love could even type a reply, Milk had already called her. Love widened her eyes before she hesitatedly slid the answer button, clearing her throat.


"Hey, sorry for calling without a notice..."

"Oh, no, it's fine Phi."

"Well, are you on your way?"

"Yeah, I'm heading out now. How about you, Phi?"

"Me too, we're all gonna meet up at the amusements park."

"Okay Phi, I'll be there."

"Great, so I'll hang up now. I still have to call a cab-"

"What? Are you gonna call a cab? Why not drive your car?"

"Well, my car's on a maintenance..."

Love sighed, weighing down the options inside her head. She can't just let her P'Milk ride a cab alone, but she was also nervous to suggest something to her. But she threw all her anxiousness down the drain and just decided to go for it, this was an opportunity to spend more time with her crush, how could she just let it go?

"I can give you a lift. We can go together."

"Huh? Do you have a car? You drive?"

"Yeah... Don't worry, I got my license when I was in college, so yeah, I'm a good driver."

"You sure its fine?"

"Yep, just text me the address, Phi."

"Okay, take care, Love."

"You too, Phi."

As soon as the call ended, Love let out a muffled scream as she covered her mouth using her hands. She can't believe she actually did it— she was going to Milk's house, and the two of them would be on the car together.

"Okay, calm down, Love Pattranite. It's not a date. Don't get too giddy."

Love mumbled as she got inside her car. She finally got a text from her showing her address, so she placed her phone on the holder. She sighed for the nth time and turned her engine on, finally zooming off the road.

Love felt as if her breath was taken away as she stared at Milk, and it even took her a few seconds to get off her car. Gay panic at its finest.


"Love! Thank you for the offer, I really appreciate it..."

"Don't mention it, Phi... It's a win for me, too..."

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear the last part..."

"It's nothing Phi! Uhh... Let's go?"

Milk nodded, walking side by side with Love towards her car. Milk smiled when Love instinctively opened the car door for her, avoiding her gaze shyly. She muttered a small 'thanks' as she got in, emitting a shy smile from Love. The small girl is surprisingly a gentlewoman.

"So you got your license back when you were still in college?"


"That's cool... I only got my license 2 years ago..."

Milk chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed at what she shared. Love smiled at this, sparing her a side glance before focusing back on driving.

Milk can't help but stare at her, finding the younger one really attractive. No, she wasn't talking about how early she got her license, but it was about her overall aura. Love was the epitome of beauty. From how she moves, how she dresses, and her mere existence just screams 'beautiful', and Milk admired her for that.

Even now, just by driving, Love looked really pretty and if Milk may add, had a girlfriend material vibes.

"Is there something on my face, Phi?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for staring, I just find you really pretty. That's all..."

Love blushed madly, causing Milk to laugh at her shy expression.

If Milk were to describe Love, she would say she was someone who could light up even the darkest places— she was definitely a Sun. Well, it was safe to assume that Milk cherished the younger one very much, but Love was a bit oblivous to notice that, thinking that this is just how her Phi treats a junior.

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