Chapter 1: A Forgotten Lunchbox

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The final school bell had rung half an hour ago, yet Mrs. Lee lingered in her classroom at Butterfly Kindergarten tidying up for tomorrow. As the other teachers left for the day, she bustled about straightening books and decorations, ensuring all was in order before her own departure.

Just then, a small voice piped up. "Mrs. Lee?"

She turned to see Jenny standing near her cubby, clutching her pink backpack nervously. At only five years old, Jenny had only been at Butterfly Kindergarten for a few months but had already become one of Mrs. Lee's favorite students. With her blonde curls and perpetually rosy cheeks, Jenny reminded Mrs. Lee of herself at that age - endlessly curious and eager to learn.

"What is it, dear?" Mrs. Lee asked kindly.

"I think I forgot my lunchbox at school," Jenny said, brow furrowed with worry. "Mommy's gonna be mad if I lose it."

Mrs. Lee smiled reassuringly. "Not to fret, we'll give your mum a quick call and have her bring it over straight away. I'm sure she'll understand."

Within minutes, Jenny's mother Samantha arrived with the missing lunchbox in hand. "Thanks so much for staying late, Mrs. Lee. I really appreciate you looking out for Jenny."

"It's no trouble at all," Mrs. Lee replied. Together they walked back to the classroom, Jenny skipping ahead happily with her lunchbox restored.

But as they entered the room, Jenny was nowhere to be seen.

"Jenny? Sweetheart, where did you go?" Samantha called, panic creeping into her voice. She began searching under tables and behind furniture. Mrs. Lee whipped open the supply closet and checked the adjoining bathroom, to no avail.

Dread pooled in Mrs. Lee's stomach as a terrible realization struck. The school was empty except for them. Jenny had simply vanished.

A frantic inspection of the entire classroom turned up nothing. Mrs. Lee flung open the back door and joined Samantha scouring the playground and surrounding grounds, their calls growing more desperate by the minute. But the school was silent as a tomb. Jenny was gone.

Samantha collapsed in tears, wailing her little girl's name to the darkening sky. Mrs. Lee did her best to comfort the devastated mother, even as terror gripped her own heart. How could this have happened on her watch? What fate could have befallen her sweet Jenny without a trace?

As nightfall descended upon Butterfly Kindergarten, an ominous sense of foreboding replaced the usual cheeriness within its walls. In that moment, an unspeakable evil felt all too real, its sinister presence shrouding the school in a gloom impossible to ignore. An innocent child had vanished without explanation, leaving Mrs. Lee and Samantha with only one unbearable question - what dark secret did this place now hold?

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