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October 10th, 2024

I could only pay attention to Regulus who seemed to lean on his broom. He payed close attention, not minding his surroundings. It was as if it was only him at the moment.

He seemed peaceful, as he skimmed the pitch looking for the Golden snitch. Harry Potter, who was next to him, paid close attention as well. Pansy looked at him with hearts in her eyes, as I cringed.

I felt bad for not telling Pansy about how Draco didn't seem interested in her at all. I didn't know how to break the news to her. Throughout the past days, he's been purposely avoidig her.

Everytime he talks to her he seems to be annoyed and wants to dismiss the conversation. He always in a rush when it came to them talking in groups, and don't get me started when they're just alone 1-on-1.

Pansy dismissed it, just thinking that he's busy and doesn't have time to chat. She didn't want to admit that he was ignoring her, to save herself from her own heartbreak and despair.

Back to reality, she kept pestering me about his jacket, as it hung loosely around my body. The back said 'black' in capital letters, with the Slytherin symbol. I blushed lightly as she pointed it out.

I don't know what came over me, but I leaned towards Pansy. "Regulus looks quite attractive right now.." I whispered, as she flinched in shock. She poked my cheek, "Hmm, explain why.."

I looked at him once more. He was leaning on his broom, his elbow on his left thigh, as he had the palm of his hand on the side of his face. He almost seemed bored.

He was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his jersey sticking to his skin. It outlined his chest, as well as his biceps. I could see that his right hand had one ring, and it had the Black heirloom on it. I could see that 'R.A.B.' was engraved.

My cheeks turned red.


I shook my head, "Nevermind.." She only laughed as I turned my head back to him. He seemed to be lost in thought, as his eyes brightened. It seems like he caught sight of the golden object, as he raced towards it.

Harry, who saw Regulus speed towards it, followed him. The two raced after it, causing my heartbeat to quicken.

Everything seemed to slow down in slow motion as Regulus stood up on his broom, leaning towards the snitch, and Harry yelling at him to slow down and stop.

He grabbed the snitch successfully, but to no avail, he tumbled across the field, a loud crack being heard through the midst of it.

Pansy shared a loud gasp, as the entire field went quiet. Screams were heard and shouts were let out. My eyes went wide, my entire body moving on its own.

By now, the weather had worsened. Thunder was heard in the distance, the shouts making the entire situation worse. Crowds of people formed around the lifeless body.

Before I knew it, I apparated to him, falling onto my knees, cradling his head in my lap.

Rain started to downpour on us as everything became muffled. I yelled orders at his team mates, signalling them to get the nurse and Madam Hooch. It was as if my body was on overdrive, and both teams surrounded his wellbeing.

Pansy, who was rushing from the stands, ran as fast as she could. I didn't know tears were falling down my face due to it being mixed with the rain.

His uniform clung onto his body more, looking lifeless. His left hand loosely holding onto the snitch, and I clenched my jaw at the sight.

I was so worried that even my own head was ringing. At the moment, I could only focus on Regulus's wellbeing. My fingers cradled his face, softly brushing my fingers against his jaw.

Evan and Barty were both running with Nurse Pomfrey, "Oh, dear.. what happened?"

"He-He was trying to catch the snitch.. and then before I knew it, he tumbled," Harry croaked out, "I tried to warn him to stop, but he didn't listen." His hands covering his mouth. Pansy looked at him, as he was being comforted by Hermione and Ron.

Miss Pomfrey, who put her hand on my shoulder, spoke to me. "Dear, it's alright now. I'm gonna take him to the Hospital wing," I shook my head no violently. I refused to leave him. Not now.

"No. I'm not leaving him!" I shouted through chattered teeth, as Pansy and Evan looked at me. Evan whispered something in her ear as I paid no mind.

"Dear, please-"

"No. You are taking me with you," I cried, hugging onto his chest, looking up at her.
Pomfrey sighed, giving in, before signalling me to follow quickly.


I followed in silence, Pansy along with his friends, and ours behind me. Our footsteps echoed throughout the hallways, as I looked down.

Miss Pomfrey ushered us inside the wing, before putting a hand after me. "Only one visitor," she said softly, as they all gave eachother a look. They left quickly before I could even open my mouth to speak. "Have fun," Pansy teased, before turning around on her heel and trailed behind them.

Madam Pomfrey carefully set him down on the bed, as I grabbed a chair and put it next to his bed. I sat down on it, not caring that my robes were sticking to me.

I hesitantly held his hand, scared that he won't wakeup. I don't know why I was afraid, and I don't know why I cared so deeply for him.

Barely a month has passed, and I barely knew him. A silent tear trickled down my face as Madam Pomfrey came back from her office. I quickly wiped my face.

In her hand, seemed to be an antidote. I read it, being a Skele-Gro potion. She tilted his head, opening his mouth, and pouring it. It seemed to register throughout his body, as cracks were heard.

Cringing at the noise, I laid back in my chair. "Are you gonna be here all night, Miss L/N?" Sinply nodding my head, she handed me a spare change of clothes. "You should clean yourself up, wouldn't want to get sick, hm?" She said sweetly, as I nodded my head at her suggestion.

I didn't want to leave him, but reluctantly done so.


My hair was washed and the mud that was on my body was gone. I felt refreshed, as I hurriedly sat down in the chair. She left a blanket for me to be kept warm, silently thanking her for the kind gesture. I held tightly onto his left hand, afraid that he won't wakeup in the morning.


It was midnight and I was left alone with my own thoughts. I didn't know what overcame me, and I didn't even know I was able to Apparate like that. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, I guess.

I looked up towards the ceiling, sighing.

I came to a realization,

I have fallen for Regulus Black, and harder than I thought.



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